Not sure but I think these spark arrestors are USA requirement so they may not be present on the UK model...but you would need to check yours physically..
The picture of the muffler with the welded on tailpipe is from my '05 RTV. It had the screw on arrestor. The one with the fatigued tail pipe is from the '11. there is no clean out plug on it but the tail pipe just unbolts and the arrester comes straight out to clean that way. On the RTV forum here, I have an old post with some pictures . It is titled something like Muffler needed or else something like '11 xt muffler needed. bordercollie


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Here are the pics of my muffler & tailpipe. A couple of the pics make the tailpipe appear out of round or smashed but that is not the case. Running my hand over it it feels perfectly round.


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Doc - Yours is the old style and it has been removed. See how the last inch of the tailpipe is a little cleaner then the rest? That's where the arrestor was. It slid over the tailpipe.
Good eye Brian. Thanks. It does not seem to lack power but I was hoping to remove the arrestor and get more. :yum:
Good eye Brian. Thanks. It does not seem to lack power but I was hoping to remove the arrestor and get more. :yum:
bczoom is correct. It's the old style and it's gone ....

Want more power, get a high rise intake. You can feel the difference !!!!
Enjoy the rush >>>>>>


............ two guns
I 'think' this has a high rise intake. When looking for the radiator I found something that appears to be a high rise intake. Problem is I don't know what came stock and what might have been added on.
This is a view of the Kubota OEM 4271 High Rise Intake ( Installed )
Comes with a Two Filter canister ( inner & outter )
Complete with hoses, clamps and canister and canister mounts


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I must have OEM. Mine has one of those canisters near the 2nd set of arrows from the bottom, and then it elbows up the frame and has a long opening pointing out but into the windshield frame.
I must have OEM. Mine has one of those canisters near the 2nd set of arrows from the bottom, and then it elbows up the frame and has a long opening pointing out but into the windshield frame.
That doesn't sound like OEM. OEM is the canister at the bottom arrows but nothing going up. That was the problem with the OEM. It picked up all the dust off the front tire since the air intake is down low.

Got a pic?
I left my canister/filter where it was originally, but added piping/tubing to extend the air intake to up under the rear roof. I did away with the intake box that was mounted to the rops near the fuel tank. and added the new pipe/tubing to the canister. The air filter lasts and lasts now. bordercollie
After looking at the great hi rise intakes listed here I looked at my own 1100. Unfortunately any home remedy would have compromised fuel access so I bit the bullet and bought a kit that was sitting on the shelf at Edmonton Kubota for a few years. They dropped the price to $245 from $268. I installed it yesterday and I have to admit that I couldn't have built a better fitting item.
Very happy with it.
can you just cut arrestor off. will there be any negitives if you do that. I use farm diesel in my. have not checked mine yet. lots of hours. thanks for any advice
dhatch, a member cut the arrestor off and later found that the imbalance along with vibration resulted in the muffler to crack. Don't just cut the pipe that the wire mesh is attached to, instead just remove the wire mesh if you see the need. If you do remove the mesh, stay off of government land. There would be a unlikely chance that a spark could be expelled out the exhaust resulting in a fire. Of course, that could happen anywhere, it's just that the government would fine you for not having an arrestor installed. By the way, I didn't cut mine off, just clean a couple times a year.
Pepr is right . I found out that the screen can be cut " accidently" with a grinder's flat wheel....Just don't do anything you are uncomfortable with. I would well imagine your's is clogged up with many hrs on it. I use farm diesel with conditioner. bordercollie .
I still have mine in after 7 years and it don't clog up. Must be because I run winter blend year round which has some kerosene mixed to keep it from gelling. That and a good hard run down the town road every so often that even gets the cooling fan to turn on sometimes.:yum: