Search results

  1. M

    YM186D - Should I buy it?

    "How much ballast can I hang on this little tractor before it's too heavy to maneuver? Could it use wheel weights in addition to the filled rear tires? Do these small tractors need both water and iron weights for the back wheels? All four wheels?" California, I'm assuming you are after...
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    Hyd pump.

    Welcome to NTT Wayne :starbucks:! Very glad to see you here. Now we have a great and valuable resource for parts support and Yanmar knowledge to help us along. If anyone is interested in inexpensive parts (most often cheaper by comparison), consumables or good used UTDA grey market Yanmar...
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    YM186D - Should I buy it?

    California, Any progress - updates with Dave and the new little Yanmar? Mark
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    Some pictures of my new to me Yanmar 1610D

    Very NICE! You will find out just what a Tank the YM1601-1610 model is! Belated congrautlations. Mark
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    Hello to all!

    Welcome Tvern13! Nice to see you make it over here! Guess you know how I feel about those little gems already :D. Yeah, like California said...I must be the other Yanmar enthusiasts :) Mark
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    YM186D - Should I buy it?

    Yes, you can modify the seat, lower the seat frame platform and reposition the fender stablizers. The only consideration while fabricating the seat height adjustment is raising the rock shaft arms to make sure they don't hit the seat back. The hexagonal hubs are a seperate component from the...
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    john deere grill guard

    Oh, I forgot to ask....Would you permit me to use your pictures to share them with other JD guys looking for a way to protect their tractors? Or post a link so they can see how well your designs turned out? And I DO understand if it's a little uncomfortable and you don't want it to go down that...
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    john deere grill guard

    Wow! Excellent fabrication, but be careful! There will be John Deere “Poparazzi” hiding in the bushes, takin’ pictures and reporting back to JD headquarters :D. It looks like you pull pins and the entire grille swings forward to open your hood? Really one of the most interesting designs I’ve...
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    YM186D - Should I buy it?

    Well...congratulations maybe (LOL)! Dave? Is this the great dealer from Red Bluff? If so I really miss all the great information and help he used to give in the Yanmar forums. Great guy and very Yanmar smart. BTW, Whiskey painted that tractor in a chicken coop (YM187) and it was his very first...
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    YM186D - Should I buy it?

    Oh Yeah CA, Boat load of difference in how smooth the three cylinders are. Quiet, less vibration and smooth. The Power-Shift is everything people say they are too. Shifting on the 'fly' from forward to reverse takes some getting used takes a while to train your fooot not to hit the...
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    YM186D - Should I buy it?

    Hey California, Is it a three or four digit hour meter? How many hours on the rig?? "The seller says it leaks at the input to the front axle and at the pto lever" Not quite sure what he means with 'input to front axle'? Never had one leak at the PTO lever either. Do you recall Whiskey...
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    Wow! I apologize for missing this thread entirely. My (belated) prayers for a speedy and total recovery. I can relate to serious back problems as I've had a similar procedure. Insist on being good to yourself and let others do for you...what you've done for them all these years :D!!
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    Giving it a try

    Hey Don...long time no see (hear)! Wondered why you dropped off the grid and now I know why :(. Glad to hear about your health improving and back to working on the land and projects. I look forward to future posts. Mark
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    Suburban on steriods

    Very COOL keith! Am I looking at extentions/adapters on the rear axle ?? How does she handle? Any hydraulics in the near future (you mentioned 3PH) ? Mark
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    partsfor yanmar tractor ym273

    Welcome Kathy!~ And Oh My…Yes, OhioTC18 is correct, it’s a very (VERY) rare gray market model that only a hand full were ever imported. I’m sorry to say that I have no general specifications for your tractor or cross reference #’s that would help solve the consumables mystery. My best guess...
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    Cordless grinder

    I have that DeWalt grinder and it's handy for certain. Any serious grinding and the battery depleats within five to six minutes (fully charged and fairly new batteries too). I am one of many that's not happy with the cycle life of their 18V batteries. I have the partial sets, and the complete...
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    Hyd pump.

    Now there's somethin' that doesn't happen very often. Those pumps are tough as nails and last thousands of hours...but thirty years of tractoring must take it's toll somewhere. Big difference in performance now? (glad you're up-n-runnin :) ). Mark
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    Well, were having a bumper crop of snakes this year. Perhaps the worst year since I've been here (5 years). And the season is still young. I’ve taken all the precautions I can think of….and still, here they are. We’ve mowed, cut, string trimmed, and even used snake away (last year-almost...
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    I'm not sure about everybody...but I'm here when I can be! I have been so busy with projects, complete paint jobs, wrenching on others machines and eeking out a living I only have time to read up, digest and respond if I have the time! Mark