Giving it a try


New member
Since I have had little luck with previous tractor-type forums, I swore off them for some time. I found this one while searching for a solution for a problem with my tractor. I see several old familiar names, and most of the names I see are ones I considered "good guys", so I'll give it a try.

For those who recognize my login name, some things have changed, but a lot of things are the same. I still have my TC18, ridden hard and put away wet, and have added a Bobcat X320 mini excavator. I still have my 5 acres in Okeechobee, FL, but never built the house on it. My daughter and her family, who lived next door, moved away due to jobs and we took over her house and 2.5 acres, so we now have 7.5 to play with.

Some of you know that I came down with a serious heart problem 5 years ago, and the report is that I not only survived, I have improved dramatically. I still have reduced heart function, have never had a bypass, just got a new implanted defibrillator because the battery on the old one wore out, but I'm now able to work on projects, as long as I rest.

I'll spend a little time looking around and getting caught up on this site, but as long as politics are kept out of it, I may stick around.
Welcome back ol' friend. No need for politics here. There are other places where you can catch up on the latest lies, fabrications and distortions. This is a sane site.

Glad to hear you are doing good healthwise and have got enough going on to keep you off the streets. You know that you're family story is one I've heard more than a few times lately. We've had a few people from our little community who have moved away to be closer to their kids, or rather their grandkids, and one family member who has done the same thing only for the kids to move on because of job requirements leaving them stranded in a place they didn't want to be with no reason for being there. At least you've got your land to keep you occupied but I'm sure you miss the family.

Well, I hope you stick around. It's not what you'd call hyperactive here but there is always enough happening to prevent it from being boring.

Stay away from any political posts that may creep in. :yum::yum:
Welcome long lost buddy! :tiphat:

I doubt anything has changed for me since I 'saw' you last. I'm still spinning tall tales about my elderly Yanmar. A true one: In five years it has needed one 75 cent part, a shifter rollpin. Otherwise flawless. So I don't have much to post about.

Some pix showing my place.

We promise to try to keep politics minimal.

How about you? Any photos?

It's good to see you!
Hey Don...long time no see (hear)! Wondered why you dropped off the grid and now I know why :(.

Glad to hear about your health improving and back to working on the land and projects.

I look forward to future posts.

Welcome Don!! Glad to see you found us. I used to enjoy your posts of when they were digging your lake. I thought of you the other day. I found my old Sony Mavica FD-81 camera that somehow survived our house fire and I remembered your story of you upset your little blue friend and you were most upset because you ruined your camera.:yum:
Good to see you Don!! I'll echo the sentiments already posted.

How's that Sprinter RV thing? Do you still have it?
Still have the Sprinter, still love it. It's a 2005 model; we bought it in late 2005 so we have had it 3-1/2 years. It's approaching 50K miles. Have not had one serious problem with it; it's the first motor home we have had that hasn't had at least one thing break on every trip.

My DW bought a 2006 Scion XA and we rigged it with a toad setup. It only weighs 2400# and is a stick shift, so it tows beautifully.

sprintertowing 002 (Small).jpg
Good to see ya here. I've been out of the loop for a while. Just coming back. Nice to see a familiar "face" from the "other" site.
Welcome back Don! There aren't many politics on here. I haven't even seen and orange versus green fight on here (yet)! ;)
I still have my TC18, ridden hard and put away wet,

Yep, that's the truth. Didn't that thing end up wrong side up in a pond at some point? :hide:

Welcome here Don. :tiphat: This place has an occasional political post or two, but nothing like where you've been before.
Hi Don! Welcome to Net Tractor Talk. I'm extra happy that you signed up. :D
Glad to hear all is okay with you and you are still working the land down there. I thought I was seeing things when I saw your member name. :D So glad to see you here.
Please, enjoy and post often. :thumb: :D
Doesn't matter; the winner would lose to blue...:wink:

Wow, welcome Don. Long time no hear or see. As for the blue I would have to agree with you. I see you still have your little Bobcat 320. We just sold ours two weeks ago. We have not used it in the last year and with the economy the way it was we thought the cash would be nice.

Hello Don,

Welcome to the site. :wave:

Good to hear your ticker has been straighten out some what. Hope to see you around, some of these guys around here get lost during the week.
Great to have you back! I do remember your heart condition being discussed and was getting ready to ask if something may have happened to you. I've been away for a while too, but hope to stay more active now.
Hi Don,
Glad to see you're still well as can be expected, and you're keeping busy with the TC18. I just sold mine a couple of weeks ago... it's been a great tractor.