Hello to all!


New member
Been lurking a while. See a lot of familiar names. Found the site through a google search while researching before buying "new" used tractor. Got my Yanmar 1610D delivered on memorial day this year. Glad to see another friendly place to read up on and get advice on tractors.
Hi Tvern. Welcome to Net Tractor Talk. I'm glad you found us. :thumb:
Congrats on the new to you Yamar. I hear lots of good stuff about Yanmar and we have a couple mods who own them and swear by them (in a good way :D)
Enjoy and post often!!!! :thumb: :D
Welcome! You've come to the right place.

I'm one of the Yanmar enthusiasts who Doc mentioned, babbling on about my elderly YM240 (US version of YM2000) and now the YM186D (YM1510D equivalent) I just bought. I wish mine were clean and gorgeous like your Yanmar is!

We love photos. Thanks for posting those in your new to me Yanmar 1610D thread!
Welcome Tvern13!

Nice to see you make it over here! Guess you know how I feel about those little gems already :D.

Yeah, like California said...I must be the other Yanmar enthusiasts :)
