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  1. OhioTC18

    Rtv 1100 and 8 ft disk

    Looks like it worked real well.
  2. OhioTC18

    Decision Time: Kubota RTV. Need advice

    Dennis don't sweat it. We all tend to do that sometimes, because that is what we have every day knowledge of. It's our own experiences or preferences talking.
  3. OhioTC18

    Decision Time: Kubota RTV. Need advice

    These owners use their equipment and know their stuff.
  4. OhioTC18

    Major hydraulic tranny leak

    Glad it was only $900 Jim. I'm not sure I could have gotten the tractor to the point you did.
  5. OhioTC18

    Slow loading issue

    I had trouble getting into NTT today until I did a DNS flush.
  6. OhioTC18

    Smittybilt winch

    I've never used one, but the reviews I've read are 50-50 pro and con.
  7. OhioTC18

    Rear Remotes / top and tilt questions

    Try this video Doc.
  8. OhioTC18

    Rear Remotes / top and tilt questions

    It replaces a sidelink. Now you can raise or lower one 3PH arm.
  9. OhioTC18

    Rear Remotes / top and tilt questions

    Doc one set of remotes will enable you to to have an adjustable top link or adjustable side link. Two remotes would allow you to have both. The adjustable side link would enable you to angle the blade side to side to remove or help put a crown in the driveway. The adjustable top link will...
  10. OhioTC18

    Parts Pricing

    What I priced out was the full door kit. Hinges labels, nuts, bolts, handles, seals.....etc you probably don't need.
  11. OhioTC18

    Parts Pricing

    I know you can look up the parts diagrams at then when you get the part number you can price it at Messicks website. Looks like a driver door is about $1300.
  12. OhioTC18

    New on this Forum

    Welcome 628. Glad you stumbled on our forum. I have a ZD323 myself. Love it.
  13. OhioTC18

    ??? Fill in YOUR personal Stuff PLEASE

    Dennis, if you look in the top right of your posts it shows your location if you have it filled in on your profile. You can also add your closing line to your signature and you won't have to type it every time.
  14. OhioTC18

    ??? Fill in YOUR personal Stuff PLEASE

    Top left hand of the page click on UserCP. That takes you to the Control Panel. On the left side click on Edit Details. That's where you change and add things.
  15. OhioTC18

    New RTV 900 owner

    Welcome Dmaxxin. Glad you signed up. I don't have an RTV so I can't help much with info. But we have plenty of RTV owners here.
  16. OhioTC18


    Their trucks might be equipped with GPS units that record/transmit stop and idle time like ours do. That's another way to keep track of where they are.
  17. OhioTC18

    A little wood

    Keifer, go to Country Manufacturing's website they are in Ohio. Very good quality equipment
  18. OhioTC18

    1140 Roof/Windshield/Mirror install

    That looks fantastic
  19. OhioTC18

    Gettin' in over our head.....

    As soon as I started reading about heat lamps, I thought Oh No not again. Glad it was minimal damage.
  20. OhioTC18

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" thread

    I watched the shoot out. That was awesome.