X1100C Engine RPM


New member
I know the rated RPM for the engine is 3000, mine was set to 3170. What is the safe RPM setting for the system? I'm not concerned with maintaining emissions I just want to tweek my machine without hurting its' life.
I use a tach made for caterpillar by otc that has an injector line pickup on it but just for service. A photo tach works pretty good also as do those little laser type.
Sorry i don't have any current sources. The availability and prices of these have improved greatly over the years. My tool is manufactured by OTC for caterpillar but it is a service tool that has photo a magnetic and the pulse clamp. It isn't something you dash mount like on a tractor. I haven't looked into it but i would bet there's a tach pickup point on the fuel pump somewhere cause they use these engines in many applications. As far as a diagnostic tool i don't see a problem with the harbor freight or others. Mine was called a multi tach years ago
I have been running mine at 3550-3600 RPM for over 350 hours now with a turbo and no problems whatsoever. For a tachometer I used one of the Glowshift Diesel Tachs that go off the alternator. Just remove the alternator, take the cover off, and put a wire tap off 1 of the 3 phases of the rectifier. Then use a photo tachometer to calibrate the guage. Mine is +/- 10 RPM from the phototach reading.
Yep your not going to hurt anything at 3600 rpm. The engine can handle much more without problems but the hydrostat is a different question. I think above 3800 to 4000 rpm the pumps can't fill and will cavitation occur then destruction. But at 3600 your well in spec.