X1100C AC & Front Fan Cycles too Often


New member
My Kubota RTV cycles the AC compressor and front cooling fan very frequently (approximately every 8-10 seconds). It seems to me this would shorten the life of the AC compressor clutch and the front cooling fan. I replaced the temperature sensor in the thermostat housing plus the fan relay under the seat. Wasted my time and money cause it made no difference. My dealer tech and the Kubota rep said this is a built-in Kubota design. I'm wondering: Do any of you have this issue?
i have heard of this before but my experience is much different. mine cycles much like any car would. tou can try to pull the thermocouple tube out of the evaporator coil a little at a time maybe? is there an adjustment on the thermostat?
Mine cycles more frequently than I think it should but not as often as you're saying. My biggest concern is the machine "falls on its face" when it's on. Granted, it's only a 25hp engine, but damn! It sure is cold though.
In the summer my fan rarely comes on unless it’s hot and I’m working it hard.
The ac cycles probably every 30 seconds though I have never timed jt
AC fan/compressor/clutch rapid re-cycling (in autos) is usually the result of insufficient refrigerant or defective refrigerant-pressure sensor.
I have had same issue, Fan and compressor cycles off and on every 10 seconds. Blows VERY cold, I have checked pressures and freon levels,. Still no change been like that since I bought it,
Dealer told me its normal.. Some say it is ,But seems just wrong ,,, Drives me crazy , Are a few other post on the site about this issue. Good luck!
My 2019 Kubota X 1100cc does not cycle the heating fan at all it stays on all the time. So if the dealers are all saying that that the heat and air conditioning fan is supposed to turn on & off something must be wrong with my machine. But I am going to leave it this way.
Yup mine is like that with low load. Ref levels are ok, even weighed in new charge. Found if I pointed dash vents up and not just straight out and left it on dash only no floor and outside fresh air it cycled much less.