wing blade and snow removal

So I got thinking about a smaller blower that I could mount on an arm that stuck out to the side and blow away the snowbank after plowing. It wouldn't be much harder than mounting a wing on this thing

Hey, I recognize that J5! Looking good. Screw the wing, what's to prevent you from just driving up on the bank and layercutting it back? I made a hydraulic snowplow for my Argo and I could just climb up on the banks and do just that. Unfortunately, The Argo is too light and the bottom is too flat and wide. I got high-centered too often for it to be fun or particularly useful. But your J5 is no toy, the technique might work for you.


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Mt, Do they have highway trucks with plows in Montana? I only ask because I know you get so much snow it might not be practicle. I know they used to just pack the snow in Missula in the late 80's and I can't reacall what the streets were doing when I stumbled to the Eagles in Bozman a few times while touring bridger bowl .

Shinn, yup, they have the standard plows and wings mounted on dumps like you'll see in many places. They will use the wing to "bench back" the berm above guardrail height. We like this because it makes a nice snowmobile and ski trail. Some of the high passes will have a big rotary stationed there, and occasionally there is an old Oshkosh plow truck with wing(s). I've studied up on them a bit, most have a pulley system driven by a hydraulic cylinder.

I've never seen the big rotary's that the railroad uses, but they try and avoid snow and avalanche inconveniences by building snowsheds as shown below. Wish they'd do the same for the highways.


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"screw the wing"

Hey just when I thougth we had something going....

Those rotarys are serious stuff. I used to work up at Stevens Pass In washington state and that is where one of the worst rail accidents in history was. An avalanche wiped out a train...118 dead in that one if I recall correctly. ANywhoo they built the avalanche sheds,but then they dug a tunnel under the mountain that was the longest on the continent for a long time untill the Canadians out did us, but you could see the rotarys idling at Startup (a real towns name) from time to time.

BUt those Oshkoshs are slick too....there is three of them for sale by the family vaction spot in Maine (and have been for a long time) and I have been tempted more than once to bring one (Or all three) home.
HI folks,

The wing blade is still getting it done!!!

Happy Happy!!!!!


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