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if your gonna run through bushs i would stay with the metal buddy had some of that synthetic on his wich and after a month or two of running through bushs and other stuff the rope was all freyed up and no good .</p>


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[quote user="Johndeeremho"]</p>

well i will get a winch cover so the bushes wont hurt it</p>
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I think Tommy was inferring that the rope was destroyed when using the winch. The person was dragging the rope through a bunch of nasty stuff while running the winch.</p>

Personally, I like the Amsteel (rope). It's much easier to handle. My conditions are such that I'm not dragging the rope through stuff that would damage it. I also like the remote option. Now, that said, my winch use is normally for pulling stuff to the RTV, not dragging the RTV due to being stuck or whatever.</p>




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it was a combination of both zoom. the main culprid was just rubbing on everything and the other was the winch was in the front of the atv and it got the brunt of the bryers when it would go through the bushs. now i will say the rope never broke but it sure didn't look healthy.a winch cover would be really good also a good strap to go around stuff to achor too.</p>


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If the winch is installed in that little cubby-hole (which it's made to do), it should be protected from driving through most things.</p>
In addition to the synthetic line, the remote is very useful and a good safety feature allowing you to get a good view of what you are moving from a safe spot. Don't forget to watch the RTV too because it can get dragged. I got the xt40 for the extra margin of durability- if you start reading the specs you will see that you need to be careful not run any of them fully loaded up for long and to allow time to cool off the electric motor. If you are interested I took some photos of the installation wiring. There was a one wrinkle at the end of the installation- I left out the connection of one wire not specifically mentioned in the main instructions- My notes say "<span style="font-size: 11px;">attach brown lead to black terminal per addendum" -<span style="font-size: 14px;">basically every wire must be connected to something before it will function.</span></span></p>
Tinker Taylor i would be interested in some pics of the winch on the machine. I was told that the 4000 pound winch was too big and i was risking pulling the frame in half. I dont believe this however. How do u like your winch?</p>
I have been very happy with the Warn XT40. It has basically worked as advertised. I have used it to unstuck the RTV in snow, pull logs up a stream bank and pull a friend's BMW 5 series wagon up the iced incline of our driveway when it became hopelessly stuck. The Kubota will get dragged to the log if the log won't move. I would avoid attaching the rear of the RTV to a solid anchor like a tree and winching at the front. Some photos of the installation are attched.</p>


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whas it this website that had a memebr with the hydralic winch?? i rememberr see it somewhere's sure was a nice winch from what i remember</p>
Thanks. Everything is reasonably protected. The contactor is mounted under the seat behind the radiator so it sheltered from all sides. I am not about to try driving through deep water. The antenna sits relatively exposed between the rear of the seat and the dump bed but it looks OK for that location. Range is excellent for the handheld remote.</p>
You reach in from above, through the open front "hood" and the door above the cubby. When winching I prop open the hood and remove the door.</p>


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I can get my hands in from the front if I don't have gloves on as well.</p>