Who upset the weather gods this year?

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
This has been a crazy year for dangerous and deadly weather. Winter had plenty of storms and it seems they have just changed form with the change of seasons. Tornadoes and major flooding and we are just starting into hurricane season. I am more than ready for things to settle down any time now. We have had the wettest spring in 20-30 years where I am and it is not looking good for getting crops planted in time for a fair yield at harvest time. We have many fields with puddles and wet spots that have not even been tilled. If we could just get one week of fair weather it would turn around quick. Have rain and storms forecast for the next week.:mad:
yea the weather has been really bad this year the gulf temp is way about the normal for this time of year and that ain't good at all.the hot water is a breeding ground for storms.i just hope that when we get a storm out there that the water level in the swamps go down from the river flooding.if we was to get a storm right now even a small tropical storm willbe real bad.in one way i think i would rather have a big fast moving huricane rather than a small slow moving tropical storm.them tropical storms have alot of rain with them where as a fast moving huricane will come in and head nrth /east or west instead of just sitting there and pouring rain down on a already swolen river.if the river water doesn't reach us we will be ok but if the water from the river soaks the swamps then we are in for a world of hurt.
You know guys, I might be starting to believe in this "Global Climate Change" thing, just not the "Man Made" bit.

The weather has been really strange in East Texas too this year. The wind seems to have blowing at least 20 mph since November of last year. I think that's about the last time I was able to burn. I've got stuff stacked up all over the place again.

The storms that have run through here have been really violent too. We had another one tonight. I dropped baseball size hail in Dallas but fortunately by the time it got here all the hail and tornadoes had disappeared, just high wind and rain. It didn't last too long 'coz the storms were moving 40 to 50 mph almost due east. Most of the really bad stuff was to the north of us.

I'm about ready for things to get back to normal. How about you?
i really don't know about climate change but what i have been thinkin is all them earth quakes they say shift the land over a few feet everytime and if you count how many there have been around the world we have probably moved a heck of alot so what was south is now a bit further north if you get what i'm saying.plus it has to have had an afect on the rotation of the earth too.betwen the volcanoes and earthquakes and countries testing nuclear bombs under ground i think the climate change is due to that in some way.
well, I survived last nights round of storms -- and really happy I built on a hill instead of a flat spot. We got another 1.5" of rain last night for a 5 day total over 3".
we need rain really bad down here all the grass in the yard is dead .i water all my fruit trees and garden but everything else is dry.i went to wally world yesterday to get the stuff to cook a shrimp okra gumbo and while on my way i looked at the bayou that has always had atleast 3 foot of water in it and it was dry.there is a bit of moisture way down in it bacause it had grass about a foot high . thats bad when you have to go cut the bayou to keep the grass down.lol when i say we need rain we do but right now we are all praying that we don't get it until after the water does what it is gonna do.thats wierd when your in a mafor drought and need water but pray for it not to rain.i'm waiting for them to put us on a water rationing law we get our water from the bayou but the bayou is getting dry where they pump it out to the water plant .the water that is comeing is too polluted that we can't drink it .jeez when will this get better? it's so dry that when i drained my hottube it didn't even make a puddle it went straight into the ground it only made a damp wet spot about 10"round but no puddle at all and about 4 minutes after i pumped it out the wet spot was gone. it's so dry that i seen a fish fart dust.lmao
Peanut....That is bizzare..You are in drought conditions with flood waters all around you. Kind of like being in a life boat in the middle of the ocean..water everywhere, but nary a drop to drink. We only hear about the Mississippi water levels .

BTW..that Japan quake caused a 60 meter movement along the fault under the Pacific (Sea of Japan probably) according to a news item I was reading
I would love to send Peanut some of our rain! Got blasted again last night. Woke up at 1am by the thunder shaking the windows and hail and rain hitting the windows. Nasty wall of storms came through and dumped more water on already saturated ground. Been the wettest spring in over 30 years around here. We had finally started putting some things out in the garden and got more. I have been mowing without the grass catcher and running in standing water many spots in the yard. Grass and dandelions are growing like mad. If it does not soon dry off the hay crop will be a hit or miss affair as many fields are too wet to get in. Not much corn has been planted for the same reason. The growing season is going away fast!
Been the same here...wettest and coolest April on record and suspect May will be the same..Old Onfoot way up there in the Yukon has had some warmer days so far and he's just a stone throw (snowball) from the Arctic Circle...Odd thing is some of this wet weather we are getting is being shipped up to us from the Gulf of Mexico...Peanut, ain't that the big pool of water your big river dumps into?
Night before last, .4 inches and several minutes of marble hail.... hail rare here, rain too... still extreme drought and 102 degrees in Georgetown yesterday...extreme heat for this time of year, typically might not break 100 at all, or wait until July/August...

Thinking about it, for years all mankind did was burn wood he could personally carry to a fire. In the last 1000 years, we've discovered how to burn extreme amounts of coal/petroleum (stored sunlight/heat) and reform the face of the planet, how could this NOT be a planetary impulse to the weather system in addition to whatever "natural" long term weather variations are in progress.:letitsnow:
yea they started yesterday closing some floodgates on the morganza so maybe we dodged the flood threat .now we need rain bad.lol
well it isnt global warming it is acutally the last year the mid level atmosphere is getting cooler.When the warm air hits the cooler atmosphere it causes all of the nasty storms and tornados as well as a lot of rain.
But if you read the idiots that believe in global warming they will all claim its global warming and not what the facts really are.
It seems to be happening all over the world . Dare I say it ????? Global Warming or cooling ??? That has been a big fight amongst some folks , but something has happened and I do not think its just a accident . I am sick of the snow and rain . The old timers up here have never seen anything like this .
Same thing in California too .
Global warming, Climate change, global cooling, Never seen so much....multiple choice
Lack of rain/snow
I now rate as an "old timer" and thing certainly are different than they used to be when I was a young-un'. Call it what you wish. Natural cycle or man made or a combination of the two or none of the above. Something is going on and this old tractor/RTV man doesn't have his head buried in the sand/snowdrift...Just not sure what it is that I'm seeing.
Well, it changed with a vengence here yesterday.

All in all, the temps haven't been too bad here this year. It's been in the high 70's, maybe getting to the low 80's but the wind has been blowing pretty steady. That was until Saturday. It hit 98 and is supposed to stay there for at least the next few days but that wind was blowing 20 - 30 mph and gusting higher.

I could literally stand and watch the leaves on the plants in the veggie garden start to curl and dry out. They're getting water, the soil is moist from the sprinklers that I have rigged up but that wind and temperature is sucking the life out of them.

I guess that we'll just have to wait and see what happens but man, it's early for it to be this hot.
Global warming, Climate change, global cooling, Never seen so much....multiple choice
Lack of rain/snow
I now rate as an "old timer" and thing certainly are different than they used to be when I was a young-un'. Call it what you wish. Natural cycle or man made or a combination of the two or none of the above. Something is going on and this old tractor/RTV man doesn't have his head buried in the sand/snowdrift...Just not sure what it is that I'm seeing.

Kanook, that is what I was trying to express in my first post on this thread. I don't know what is going on but I wish that it would stop. We've been in a drought for the past several years in Texas but the last 2 or 3 have been especially bad. Last year we were in 95+ temps by the end of June and it made it a long, long hot summer. Now this year it's only the end of May and we are there already.

I think that whoever invented air conditioning ought to get the Nobel Prize. :wink:
We had 2 BAD storms roll through here last night again. The local town 4 miles away in Pa. got hammered severely with straight line winds that approached a tornado in intensity. Major damages to many hoses and trees and poles uprooted and snapped off. They have over 25 utility trucks working to clear the roads and start rebuilding the grid and phone system. Roof ripped off the local school as well as one house at the auction had the second story completely lifted off. I loaned out my generator so friends who live there can run their and their neighbors freezers and fridges. Will be days till power is restored. They hope to have the main road through town open later today as it is the only route for miles that crosses the 2 rivers that meet there. Some of the worst storm damage I have seen in years. Could only get pics from a few places as most roads are still blocked by debris.


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That last pic showed the fire hall where a babecue was scheduled for today. Turned into a traffic control detail and chain saw brigade instead. They are bringing in more utility crews from other areas as well as transformers and wire spools. We got over 1.5 of rain in the space of about 35 minutes and have some roads only one lane from washouts. These storms are getting to be repetitive and crews barely get done cleaning up from one before the next one hits.


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