What's on your agenda?

Now that's NOT NICE at all. :eek2: TRUE, but not nice:yum:

HEY....WAIT JUST A DANG MINUTE.:shitHitsFan: I'm older'n he is:pat:
Let's face the facts here: None of us are getting any younger! But once I started getting those nifty senior citizen discounts at all the local restaurants... suddenly it all seemed worthwhile!!! :D

Let's face the facts here: None of us are getting any younger! But once I started getting those nifty senior citizen discounts at all the local restaurants... suddenly it all seemed worthwhile!!! :D


When I was 12, I couldn't wait 'till I was 16.

When I was 16, I couldn't wait until I was 21.

When I was 21 I wanted to be 25.

I still want to be 25.

Senior discounts are highly over-rated
Senior discounts are highly over-rated
I manage to save a bundle... but I will admit: you must be selective.

I still remember my very first legitimate senior citizen discount (not counting the ones I used to get regularly for years at one favorite restaurant simply because I looked tired, old and poverty stricken). I was working hurricane recovery down in Pensacola, Florida in the summer of 2005 (for Dennis, not Katrina) and turned 55 while I was down there. I strolled into Denny's one night for dinner and the rest is history! While not particularly good, I had a big smile on my face the entire time! :D

This is what I went and did today.
Brought home a 1986 Kawasaki Ninja 600R. Much of it is in a thousand pieces in a box.
Hoping I can put it back together over the winter and make it work (quess I'm going to find out:D ), most all the parts appear to be there.


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Maybe AntiqueFarmerFarmsWithAntiques :wave::hide2:

Couldnt resist!!!!;)

Or maybe... Antiquefarmergoespostaloverremarksabouthisageandcleansoutawebsitethenfarmswithantiques...????:yum: :yankchain: :fight: :bash: :boxing: :brows: :moon3: :yum:

You guys are hilarious...Ha ha ha.

(10,000unemployed comedians in this country and I have to land on a website with half of 'em):poke:
This is what I went and did today.
Brought home a 1986 Kawasaki Ninja 600R. Much of it is in a thousand pieces in a box.
Hoping I can put it back together over the winter and make it work (quess I'm going to find out:D ), most all the parts appear to be there.

That is a true challenge. Putting together something that you did not take apart can be tough.
My son paid 300 for a 93 ranger with a great body ... but the engine was in pieces, tranny didn't work but a junk yard tranny that is supposed to work came with the truck. He's got it back together now, but still fine tuning the engine. It's close to being ready for the first trial run ...maybe in the next few days.

Good luck with your project Vince. :thumb:
Good job on the rafters. How soon do you plan to get it under roof?

I got my conduit in place, finally. What a muddy mess. The ditch was already dug and it rained all Sunday evening. Made for a mess on Monday. I put off doing the conduit until Monday since it was supposed to be warmer. Wet dirt (better known as MUD) is much harder to dig in. Some had fallen back in the trench so it had to be taken back out. I was caked with mud up to my knees. My back sure feels it today. Now I just hope the inspection goes okay so I can get some seat time pushing the dirt back into the trench.

I am pretty sore today myself. On Saturday I tried to get the crane to come over after thanksgiving but I guess it is busy untill x-mas...unless I could use it this long weekend.

Well why not I thought, somthing is better than nothing. SO I start to bust some butt, I have to finish cutting some colar ties (13ft 8x10's) and then I needed to assemble all 6 rafter sets (22ft 8x10 rafters)

The kubota did alot of the heavy stuff moving the rafters around on the forks, but Fortunatly my father in law happened to be visiting and actually helped a whole bunch. I hope I can do half what he is doing when I am 73! He used to be a steel worker, throwing hot rivits and all that so this heights was nothing for him, but he ended up humping the rafters around quite a bit...very impressive!

Anywhoo we got them together and then late monday another buddy stops by to run the crane and we ended up setting them all as it got dark. Tiring day but worth it in the end.

As for the roof, well I hope to have tarpaper down by the first of the year.
Sounds Good Shinn!

My inspection went okay today, so I'm ready for some seat time this weekend. :D :thumb: