What is the biggest thing you've towed/drug

I have been salvaging 100+ year old pines for my sawmill from a big windstorm we had here in April. I take a trashed flatbed in the woods with my kubota and load it up with my excavator and then bring the logs up to the mill and chain them to other big logs in the pile and then drive forward and then tidy up with the tractor forks.

I made the mistake of getting up into high gear going down a hill and the load started pushing me and tried to blow my engine so I had to clutch and then we really took off as the brakes just couldn't cut it! Fortunately the ride wasn't very long but it sure scared the crap out of me!

For some reason (I have dial up) my photo isn't attaching...maybe next time...

I've cut down numerous 50'-65' trees...full of limbs and sap, hook a logging chain to them and drag about a quarter of a mile to a pile I've created. It appears to me, being a novice at tractoring, that my 3720 handles it with little effort. I can tell she's working but, not a problem at all. I also have my tires loaded. Tom

I am willing to bet you have Ag tires to boot. My rig routinely outperforms my buddies 50 horse JD in a variatey of situations and he and I both feel it is the tires that are making the difference. My vote is that unless you are spending over 50% of your time on pavement or concrete, dont get industrial tires ( and then you might not even need all wheel drive). If you only have lawn at your house get turf tires, but if you are going in the woods and feilds make sure you get ag tires. I have had that 50 horse JD sideways in downright scary situations my Kubota would just go right through. In the woods logging I can run circles around the bigger JD.

I am not bragging about Kubota here, I am preaching Agricultural tires. It seems too many rigs are being bought with the R-4 industrial tires and they really aren't any good off pavement. I guess I am cranked up about this:angry: is it a conspiracy?:D
Does a mother-in-law count?

Do you drag her about often? :yum:

I've cut down numerous 50'-65' trees...full of limbs and sap, hook a logging chain to them and drag....

If you've got any trails for riding or walking I've found that dragging trees with all the leaves on along them really smooths them out lovely.

There is something really rewarding about dragging trees about :D
Mith, I too have trail(s)/ road that requires me to either buy a drag or make one from some of the trees I'm taking down. CFO doesn't really have a problem with getting one but, she thinks it would be alittle bit on the cool side to make our own. I tend to agree. Tom
I don't recall what the heaviest rolling (on tires) load is.

Using the 3PH to lift them, I've hauled rocks that were a bit too big. It was one of those cases where you use the FEL to lift the front of the tractor off the ground then lift the 3PH arms to "try" and lift the rock. The rock was still on the ground but the 3PH arms are now higher due to the front of the tractor being off the ground. Once I raised the FEL, the front tires of the tractor didn't come back down. I put weight in the bucket until it started lowering. I then drove (with the front tires still mainly in the air) and had to use the individual rear brakes for steering.

I've also done about the same with loads in the FEL. The load was so heavy that the front rims were pretty much touching ground (even with the tires over inflated). I was actually able to lift the rear of the tractor off the ground by me just lifting the rear drawbar.

BZ, I will tell you...that mental picture I had of you moving that rock is priceless. Doggone lucky I wasnt taking a drink of my coffee when I read it. Would have ruined a good laptop. :yum::yum:
One thing that finally stopped me was the pulling sled when I took my 5020 to the state fair back around '82.

The 5020 pulled a JD 230 disk that was 22' wide and a 24 ' IH vibra shank (model 45?) and a 13 shank glencoe soil saver in 5th gear around our farm. I'd say the soil saver made the 5020 work the most.
That would be a 30,000lb+ load of liquid manure. Many years ago I had the same full tank of manure drag me & tractor backwards down a hill! I was in a 16,000lb MF2745 with full cab. I was heading into a DEEP ravine. I just crossed my hands on the steering wheel, tucked my head down & prayed!!!!
The whole thing came to a soft stop. The only trees in my way of the 12' ravine were a cluster of three 6" trees growing out of same spot. They bent over just enough to cushion the stop, but held strong! Kinda drifted off subject, but the weight load took me back to that day. :mrgreen:
When I had my IH 1466, I dragged my neighbor's 50 hp John Deere out of a mud hole he had driven into. Sank his rear wheels up to the PTO and could only spin. Snapped a heavy chain on the first attempt, then succeeded in easing him out veerrry slowly the 2nd time.:mrgreen:
What is the biggest / heaviest thing you've either towed or drug with your tractor? I've pulled my 6000 pound boat trailer (piece of cake), probably the biggest thing without wheels would be a ornamental tree. I pulled it up by the roots, and drug it to a burn pile. But the tractor barely strained. My box blade can put a strain on the tractor, but that's just how it works ....so I don't count that.
As reported elsewhere, the biggest thing I ever moved (pushed/slid in this case) was an estimated 11,000 lb flat granite rock. :thumb:

On the downside, I was only able to push it between 3-1/2 and 4 inches!!! :whistle: I work mobile and my R4 tires are not loaded.

It terms of longer, more useful distance... I've pushed around numerous rocks in the 3,000 to 5,000 lb range. :bb:

What most hard to pull with my Ford 601 it was billions of vines that look awful why it grow to be huge in short time it will get to 20 feet in 2 years plus thick is almost to be size of coffee can like 6 to 8 inches. It got me almost 5 times try plus it spin lot on dry ground then try 1 more time with full throttle it must be run at 2,800 rpm plus in 5 gears finally it out vines from ground. I mean it not in high gear it have 10 speed so 5 gears is best if 6 gears it would ready to stall easy.

I forgot I should have get picture of drawbar it bend not straight. It was my Uncle who try pull huge stump that suppose to not be pull with tractor it need to be dig out.

I have see many time yellow strap will stretch then tractor start go then slow backward because yellow strap is pull. You know that yellow strap is actually rate up to 15,000 lbs I was surprise that 601 have so much torque for that.:bb:

I wish I could try pull camper trailer but don't have attachment for that.
My biggest pull was a 16'x64' minihome on a 5th wheel trailer that was attached to the rig (road tractor-trailer 18 wheel arrangement) that got stuck trying to move it into place on a sandy pad. MFWD 584 IH w/loaded rears, ag tires and a bucket full of gravel for ballast. Impressed the heck out of the driver of the rig. And me. :)
My biggest pull was a 16'x64' minihome on a 5th wheel trailer that was attached to the rig (road tractor-trailer 18 wheel arrangement) that got stuck trying to move it into place on a sandy pad. MFWD 584 IH w/loaded rears, ag tires and a bucket full of gravel for ballast. Impressed the heck out of the driver of the rig. And me. :)

:eek: That impresses me to. :applause: :applause:

To bad you couldn't stop to get pictures. Nice job. :thumb:
No camera at the time and I probably wouldn't have thought of it anyway. I always seem to think of these things later. A dedicated "work" camera would be great for spur-of-the-moment pix. Got a new cellphone with a camera now though so I'll be able to get some interesting thumbnails somedays.
Way off topic but ....
Hey GinNB .... I was looking for the 'show us pics of your tractor thread, and ended up checking out this thread. I saw your avatar and it was just the added touch I was looking for for a NTT banner I was working on. So now everyone on FF and my new forum Net Boat Talk will get to see your tractor. :thumb:

Here is a copy of the banner for you all to see.


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