What has happened ??


When I joined , did everyone leave ??? Looks like I was the last post ( been a while) & No one has posted since
Afraid, I scared them all off! :sorry:

Usually I hang out on FF [despite being a tractor lover first], but had to stop by for a while after Jim Slagle posted a link here to a thread I started over there. However, I must be even scarier than I realized. :eek::tiphat:
Afraid, I scared them all off! :sorry:

Usually I hang out on FF [despite being a tractor lover first], but had to stop by for a while after Jim Slagle posted a link here to a thread I started over there. However, I must be even scarier than I realized. :eek::tiphat:

Ok, I though it was me. But, If you want to take the credit:wink:
You just did! :thumb: Now take some pictures of something and start a new thread, and all will be well! :mrgreen:

'fraid it's bedtime around here....:wave:
Here are some early threads Mark and I posted to get the forum rolling. Perhaps some of you haven't seen these topics.

I posted about my own Yanmar - adding a ROPS, setting up a Yanmar tiller, and a backhoe, all of which were authentic options for my model.

Mark has broader knowlege than I do. He often posts about different models.

Then subsequent posters picked up the ball and have added a lot of interesting topics. Take a look!
It’s interesting that Yanmar tractors and owners are still unique and represent a very small slice of the brands available. We all know they are as good, and often better then what’s out there….

Every post I’ve read concerning Yanmars has been quality and not quantity posts. Personally, I believe they are one of the best tractors that are simplistic in design, versatile with fitted implements, very durable and reliable with the minimum of maintenance and the most affordable diesel SCUT for the average Joe that’s out there.

What I’ve always found strange is the rather large investments for lawn and garden tractors where perspective buyers and new owners have laid down thousands for a beautiful machine dedicated to cut grass and till a garden. $6K - $7K for a current machine isn’t uncommon, but the life expectancy is but 5 to 7 years with good maintenance….A nice 2WD Yanmar tractor can be purchased for half of that and last decades.

If they only knew, eh?

Kenmac, we’re here :wave: :starbucks:!

Yeah, I agree. We need an inspired chatter box or two that chatter about tractors or tractor related stuff. I keep hoping we'll attract a new user or two who will liven things up. Take that as a challenge guys! You can do it. :thumb: :D
I actually own another make tractor. I've been lurking here looking at Yanmars because I will need a 2nd tractor in the not-to-distant future. I'm looking for something primarily for a much larger garden, and the Yanmars with 2WD and Ag Tires looks perfect to me. Even Kenmac's 3110 4X4 has me fantasizing about hilling potatoes in style. They look like simple machines and look like they have enough clearance for mid- to late-season garden work. What year did Yanmar start putting a hydro trans in their tractors? It's not imperative that I have a hydro, but if the choice is between a gear and a hydro, I'd lean towards the hydro.
A lull in posts could be due in part to the end of "vacation season" just coming to a close. Seems like if I'm not the one gone, I'm working double-time for those that are. All in all, it leads to a couple months of scarce computer time. I would imagine others run into the same issues.
I actually own another make tractor. I've been lurking here looking at Yanmars because I will need a 2nd tractor in the not-to-distant future. I'm looking for something primarily for a much larger garden, and the Yanmars with 2WD and Ag Tires looks perfect to me. Even Kenmac's 3110 4X4 has me fantasizing about hilling potatoes in style. They look like simple machines and look like they have enough clearance for mid- to late-season garden work. What year did Yanmar start putting a hydro trans in their tractors? It's not imperative that I have a hydro, but if the choice is between a gear and a hydro, I'd lean towards the hydro.

Best advise when buying a yanmar.. Know or, check out the dealer your buying from. VN. recon ?, parts support,? safety equipment,? Mnauals ? warranty ?, What does this / that leaver do, etc.,It will save you a lot of head-ache if you check them out B-4 you buy not after
Thanks, Kenmac. I've read other threads here and on other boards about the grey tractor market. And I've spent some time on TractorData sizing up the different models and specifications, and I'm passively looking(I won't be ready to purchase for another year or so). The repainted and refurbished tractors on this forum, and the enthusiasm of the owners are really pulling me towards a Yanmar.
Thanks, Kenmac. I've read other threads here and on other boards about the grey tractor market. And I've spent some time on TractorData sizing up the different models and specifications, and I'm passively looking(I won't be ready to purchase for another year or so). The repainted and refurbished tractors on this forum, and the enthusiasm of the owners are really pulling me towards a Yanmar.
