Yea well the best laid plans ......
I did drive the L4740 over to the farm in the morning and sprayed the bottom part of the hay pasture. I haven't worked over there much this year and the bottom part of the pasture had the best crop of Carolina nettle I think I've ever seen. I can understand why why my S-I-L wanted it sprayed. I can't understand why it was allowed to get that bad.
Had an appointment with a lawyer about my wife's deceased uncle's estate. Was informed that it will take at least 9 months to get everything finalized, depending on how all his property sells. It just goes on and on.
While at the lawyer we got a call from the S-I-L saying that while giving her grand daughter her first driving lesson, she hit the accelerator instead of the brake and ran the SUV into the Gator which was parked in the garage and pushed it into the garage freezer which in turn knocked a hole in the wall and, by the way, did we have any spare room in our freezers for all the frozen food which was starting to defrost.
After relocating all the frozen food, I was just settling down with my first drink of the evening and getting ready for a late supper when my wife's cousin called and said my M-I-L's cows were out and running on the main road. Put down drink, forgot about supper, jumped in truck and drove to farm. Found my S-I-L and a friend trying to round up six big calves that had got out. Finally got them back where they belonged but they broke the fence in three places getting back into the pasture. Found the original break in the fence where they got out. A branch had fallen on the fence totally demolishing it. Got out chainsaw, cut it up and cleared and fixed the fence by flashlight. Fixed the other three breaks temporarily and got home about 11 o'clock. Oh, I forgot to mention that while driving the fence looking for breaks in the dark I drove the truck into a culvert. Shit!!!! It's not too bad. Just a little modification to the driver side running board. Fixed it (almost) with a 7 lb hammer.
Wednesday was not a good day.
I got up this morning and went over to the farm and made a better job of fixing the fence now that I could actually see what I was doing. Came home about noon and said, "To Hell With It", and decided to take the rest of the day off. Well not quite. I fixed a broken sprinkler in the yard and scraped and power washed all the dirt dauber tubes around the house. Those little boogers have been busy this year. Decided that was enough for one day.
Tomorrow I may get back with the plan and bush hog my pasture. Maybe, as long as that darned phone doesn't start ringing again. Can you actually marry a woman and divorce yourself from her family.
Just joking. I love them all but they can be a lot of work at times. Things are going to get better though. My wife and her sister are leaving for Georgia on Sunday to return the S-I-L's grandkids. That should give me 5 days of peace and quiet ... if I take the phone off the hook. Ahhhhh ....bliss.
I don't understand why some of you guys are looking forward to retirement. See what I'm going through.