THANKS, everybody, for the prayers & kind words.
Sorry for taking so long to's been a long week.
Galv was right on the things. Things had gotten where I had to have SOMETHING done..I couldn't do anything because of the pain. I had a herniated L4-5 disc--they shaved the disc away from the nerve, it should heal, with about 85 - 90 % chance of no more trouble from it, IF I take care of my back.
Surgery went good, but the pain meds were too strong for me yesterday, & I was nauseated & sick as 'ell, & spent the night in hospital last night. I feel much better now with the different meds, so help me pray I now have the right combo of meds to keep it all in check. It will be 4 - 6 weeks before I go back to work, & I can't do anything till then, especially no tractor riding or farm-work.

but after that, hopefully I'll be back to catching up on things, with many hours already scheduled for seat-time!!
Again, thanks for the prayers, & send some more as ya get the time.