Bill D
New member
Well that did not last long
Ran the ym for about 1/2 day then parked it for the night, next morning tried starting it and it was a real struggle but it sorta ran BUT!!! gray smoke & missing A BUNCH!!! thought i might have broke a ring.
Pulled the head today and found the rear cyl had blown the head gasket but it had happened sometime back and had healed itself enough to run till i fussed with injector pump.
I have attached pics, is there any thing else but decarboning head & pistons, checking for warped head, that I should see to while I have it this far tore down?????
All info greatly appreciated.
Bill in SE Idaho a misplaced Alabama boy

Pulled the head today and found the rear cyl had blown the head gasket but it had happened sometime back and had healed itself enough to run till i fussed with injector pump.
I have attached pics, is there any thing else but decarboning head & pistons, checking for warped head, that I should see to while I have it this far tore down?????
All info greatly appreciated.
Bill in SE Idaho a misplaced Alabama boy