Tym Tractor T700


New member
I have a Tym T700 70hp and where is the thermostat located? Is it ok to take thermostat out and run this summer without one? Reason is its running hotn after about an hour use (one mark below the hot line). This model has the john deere motor in it.
thanks for any help
The thermostat will always be in the metal housing at the base of the upper radiator hose should your machine be equipped with one. I've seen some that dont have thermostats. NEVER NEVER NEVER run a machine without a thermostat in a system designed for one.
There are a few things you can do.
1. take a heat gun to the upper radiator hose and make sure your gauge is reading right. Anything over 210 is not good for a diesel engine.
2. Blow out your radiator fins with compressed air (40 or 50 psi) then use a spray nozzle and finish hosing it out with a garden hose. Radiator fins could be clogged with dust and mowing chaff. Check your air filter too.
3. Replace the thermostat if it has one and the temp is still high.
4. Go to a local auto parts dealer that sells a block test kit. Check for combustion gasses in the coolant. If the blue fluid turns yellow, be ready to pull the head off.
I second cleaning out the radiator fins - or the "prefilter" screen in front of it -- one of the things on my to-do list today for my little red beast.
Hey good info you gave me. I air hosed the cooling fins on air cond. and radiator the hosed them off with water hose and now its running a lot cooler. Just by lookin at them they didnt look that dirty. But a lot of dust and some grass came off them................. thanks