Aha! Went to use the Red Bull the other day and the check engine light came on immediately and it wouldn't stay running for more than a second or two. DANG IT ALL! I'm gonna kick this bull in the ... hey, what did Rusty do? He tromped on the left brake pedals. Bingo! Started right up and kept running as long as I was stepping on the pedals. Off of them, check engine light and a stall. Stepped on the right pedal lightly, check engine light out and it runs. Off pedal, light is on. Hmmm. Ran it down the beach and up my neighbors yard to get to the road, right foot on the "gas", left feathering the right brake pedal. Alright! Got it to my yard and in the garage. Had to head out of town for a couple weeks, but I'm gonna get back and turn that bull into a steer if I have to.