My 900 has 328 hours on the clock. The spark arrester looked about like the one in the pic posted on this thread earlier: lotsa black sooty gunk on the screen. I cut the s/a off at its base and remounted the tail pipe, but I haven't driven the machine enough to notice any difference in performance or sound.
In looking at the pic of your winch, which you posted on Aug. 14 at 10:43, I see you have the same piece of winch stabilizer located beneath the winch mount plate as I had. Where did you get that piece? I have no recollection at all of whether it was something I purchased separately or whether it was included with the winch mount, and I don't even recall where I got the winch mount. I have a Ramsey winch, so I'm guessing I ordered the winch mount from Ramsey also, but I can't find a similar mount on Ramsey's website (which is a pretty weak website, if I say so myself).
It's that beneath-the-mount piece that I torqued off my 900 last week. The piece is warped too much ... I can't get it flat up against the frame for remounting. If I knew where to get one, I'd order it. I may have to dive into the garbage can and retrieve my warped mount ... maybe a local machine shop can straighten it out.
If you know where you got your mount, please let me know. Many thanks.