

Is the "Tractor Supply Company" a kind of big box store you can browse around looking at general tractor "stuff" or are they more of a mail order outfit?
Is the "Tractor Supply Company" a kind of big box store you can browse around looking at general tractor "stuff" or are they more of a mail order outfit?

Nope it is the kind you browse around in. :D They have general tractor stuff, clothing, and horse stuff too. But they are trying a Beta version of an online store now. Not sure when it will be available though
Yep. We finally got one here and I was all excited. I've since come to find that I have a tractor dealer with better stuff for the dollar. TSC does have a lot of stuff for the horse farmer, plenty of cowboy hats to if you are looking for that.
A good online source for much of the same tractor stuff plus a lot more additional is Northern tool. http://www.northerntool.com/
Yep. We finally got one here and I was all excited. I've since come to find that I have a tractor dealer with better stuff for the dollar. TSC does have a lot of stuff for the horse farmer, plenty of cowboy hats to if you are looking for that.
A good online source for much of the same tractor stuff plus a lot more additional is Northern tool. http://www.northerntool.com/
The problem I find with Northern Tool (vs. TSC) is the shipping costs on very large items. While you may or may not escape the sales tax, those mega-shipping charges are murder on anything that can't come UPS or Fed-Ex Ground. Too bad too because Northern Tool carries some 3-point products that you just can't get at TSC unless you go "special order."

TSC coming into an area is generally good because it keeps the tractor dealers and hydraulic rip-off artists in check. One time, the parts I needed for a hydraulic project were 4 times as expensive at the local Kubota Palace (my nearest tractor dealer) than they were at TSC. As soon as I mentioned TSC, the parts were suddenly only twice as expensive at the Kubota dealership. It works on other things too... most notably 3-point hitch implements! ;)

we have a fairly new one in Enfiled CT. Problem is, anyone working there hasn't a clue what a tractor is and what they're suppose to do. I went there twice and won't waste my time doing so again... Might as well go to JC Penny or somewhere else and would probably fair better.. At least they should "teach" the workers some simple things and it probably would do better.,
we have a fairly new one in Enfiled CT. Problem is, anyone working there hasn't a clue what a tractor is and what they're suppose to do. I went there twice and won't waste my time doing so again... Might as well go to JC Penny or somewhere else and would probably fair better.. At least they should "teach" the workers some simple things and it probably would do better.,
The place just needs some serious "old timers" Larry. Maybe we should both go down and apply. You take Enfield... I'll take Griswold! :D

Thats not much different than the local Home Depot. Hire folks, especially women who havent picked up a tool in their lives to run departments. Went in and asked a gal for a length of 1/2 inch dowling. She said sure and took me to the bolt and screw section to look for bolts. <sigh> :applause:

And its gone downhill from there. I hardly go there anymore unless I dont have any other choice. The local Checker Auto went through the same nonsense for a time. :whistle:
Thats not much different than the local Home Depot. Hire folks, especially women who havent picked up a tool in their lives to run departments. Went in and asked a gal for a length of 1/2 inch dowling. She said sure and took me to the bolt and screw section to look for bolts. <sigh> :applause:

And its gone downhill from there. I hardly go there anymore unless I dont have any other choice. The local Checker Auto went through the same nonsense for a time. :whistle:
Around here, Lowe's is much worse than Home Depot. Those folks are totally clueless... almost insultingly so! In fact, I've stopped going to Lowe's altogether due, in part, to their overt catering to illegal aliens and their current sale of "family trees" instead of "Christmas trees"! :o

Who the heck ever heard of a "family tree" (other than in regard to genealogy)??? :puke1:

Around here, Lowe's is much worse than Home Depot. Those folks are totally clueless... almost insultingly so! In fact, I've stopped going to Lowe's altogether due, in part, to their overt catering to illegal aliens and their current sale of "family trees" instead of "Christmas trees"! :o

PC is the word. Liberalism gone mad. It didnt bother me asking a woman for assistance at the tool store or hardware dept until over time it just seemed like it was a total waste of time. They either didnt know what I was talking about and they themselves had to get help or they thought it was something totally different. :badidea: Anymore I will find a guy to ask. If one of the women working there ask me if I need help I usually just tell them no. Not every guy knows his stuff either, but the greater percentage do when compared to women. But its the political correctness crap where its "women are no different from men" and can do "everything that a man can do". so they gotta hire women for jobs that men usually were hired for since PC says that if you dont hire the woman its discrimination. And all she has to say is that she knows all about tools and hardware....yea...right!!!

Who the heck ever heard of a "family tree" (other than in regard to genealogy)??? :puke1:


And that is typical liberalism that says there can be NO attention or promotion of anything to do with religion. Unless its Islam, of course.

Political correctness as always to the extreme.
I like Lowes. It is much better here than you describe. We felt like we had a reserved parking space we went there so often when we were building.
No illegal issues nor 'family tree' (unless that is new this year, but I doubt it). I will check next time I'm in there.
New England is the PC / liberals sandbox. I feel for you guys.
I like Lowes. It is much better here than you describe. We felt like we had a reserved parking space we went there so often when we were building.
No illegal issues nor 'family tree' (unless that is new this year, but I doubt it). I will check next time I'm in there.
New England is the PC / liberals sandbox. I feel for you guys.

The thing of it is, I love the New England area. Its one of the most beautiful areas of the country. And the history of it fascinates me. But the fact of it, as you say, being the liberals sandbox is why I dont live there. I was stationed up in NE PA while in the army and traveled the whole NE area extensively. Loved it. But here I sit in Colorado. Almost another liberal sandbox...leastways over along the mountains.

Here there IS a big illegal issue.

All I know is I have gotten pretty tired of liberalism and political correctness.

We dont have a Lowes nearby. The closest in down near Denver, about 120 miles away. So its a store we dont go to much anyway.
I like Lowes. It is much better here than you describe. We felt like we had a reserved parking space we went there so often when we were building.
No illegal issues nor 'family tree' (unless that is new this year, but I doubt it). I will check next time I'm in there.
New England is the PC / liberals sandbox. I feel for you guys.
I can only speak for the stores in my immediate area. At first, they seemed like a refreshing upgrade from Home Depot. Slowly, things got worse. Much worse. Now, nothing that I want out of their advertisments ever seems to be in stock and the few things my GF buys there always seem to be broken or defective.

They really sent me off the deep end when I was shopping for a stick welder and needed to go to a second Lowes store to find one in a dry, unopened, non-smashed box. Well, they outright called me a "GD" liar in regard to pricing and certain "free" bonus features of the particular product I wanted and had seen at the first store. I was so mad that I went back to the first store with my GF's camera, photographed the box, price and features... and returned to the store where they had called me a "GD" liar. Do you think I got any apology??? :forgetit:

Here are the reports on their "family trees." Note that while they were supposedly all embarrassed by this, their broadcast ads (run earlier today) are still referring to the wonderful "family trees." :applause:


Here there IS a big illegal issue.

All I know is I have gotten pretty tired of liberalism and political correctness.

We dont have a Lowes nearby. The closest in down near Denver, about 120 miles away. So its a store we dont go to much anyway.
Illegals are totally out of control here too. It is a national tragedy.

Personally, I don't think you're missing much not having a Lowes. Recently, I took a client of mine to BOTH stores to price out a bunch of tools, lumber and supplies he needed to complete his project after my groundwork was complete. He didn't have a pickup truck and I did. Well, we went to Lowes first because it was closer. Lumber quality was terrible, they didn't have the tools he wanted (not even close) and the misc supplies he found were not exactly cheap. So I drove him down to Home Depot. The lumber was 100% better, they had all the tools he wanted at excellent prices... and the supplies he needed were all there at lower prices. Maybe on another day it would have been different, but on this particular day, HD won hands down.

Illegals are totally out of control here too. It is a national tragedy.

Its a shame we dont have anyone in government with some backbone that will tackle the problem. The biggest thing would be enforcement of the labor laws. True enforcement, not the wink and a nod that we have had for far too many years.

Personally, I don't think you're missing much not having a Lowes. So I drove him down to Home Depot. The lumber was 100% better, they had all the tools he wanted at excellent prices... and the supplies he needed were all there at lower prices. Maybe on another day it would have been different, but on this particular day, HD won hands down.

Well, there is no doubt that for the most part what HD sells is of good quality. IF you can find what you are looking for. I have also heard recently that HD is going to go away from the lumber/hardware/do it yourself business model to a home improvement/upscale home improvement. No lumber and just basic tools, etc...and selling new kitchens, appliances and making things "female" friendly to attract women. Course, they will lose alot of mens business and the contractor crowd, but that doesnt seem to be a concern from what I have heard. If they do that I predict they wont be in business that long. :moon3:
I have also heard recently that HD is going to go away from the lumber/hardware/do it yourself business model to a home improvement/upscale home improvement. No lumber and just basic tools, etc...and selling new kitchens, appliances and making things "female" friendly to attract women. Course, they will lose alot of mens business and the contractor crowd, but that doesnt seem to be a concern from what I have heard. If they do that I predict they wont be in business that long. :moon3:
Sounds like it would be a big mistake... but if it happens, I wonder who would come in to fill the void with lumber and serious tools??? :confused:

funny how different box stores fair in different areas. In Manchester CT, the Lowe's can run circles around HD any day of the week, in knowledge of product, quality and pricing. HD at this location is great if one has all day to get help and once they get it, they might as well talk to a wall,,,
funny how different box stores fair in different areas. In Manchester CT, the Lowe's can run circles around HD any day of the week, in knowledge of product, quality and pricing. HD at this location is great if one has all day to get help and once they get it, they might as well talk to a wall,,,
I'm sure store (and regional) management has a lot to do with it. The GF and I have just had too many really bad experiences with Lowes to shop there anymore. For whatever reason, our nearest HD just happens to be first class and there is no good reason to shop elsewhere anymore.
