Tractor usage

Oh, a souvenir hunter, huh? Been there, done that, got the pieces to prove it. I loved it how the pilot wrote up in the log book documenting that his engine blew apart on takeoff..................#1 Engine burped on takeoff.
hugs, Brandi
You may remember GE's infamous LM5000's (derived from the CF6-50 aircraft engine I believe)... particularly the STIG'd units. Them things blowing up employed me quite well for a long time. :rolleyes:

How many of us are weekend warriors, retired so that you get to work all the time,:mrgreen: or actually use our tractors for work?

Myself, I am just a weekend warrior.:(

Retired, But - I must be crazy :hide: I bought some horses and the rest is history. My body keeps telling me I should retire AGAIN :rolleyes:
So to answer the original question, I use my tractor for work, enough to say I would not "live" without it