Tractor Detailing

Do you wash your tractor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 72.1%
  • No

    Votes: 12 27.9%

  • Total voters
Not only do I wash my tractor regularly, I wax it at least twice a year. Don't get me wrong I work my tractor hard but I agree with Glowplug that it is much easier to spot leaks and potential problems on a clean tractor.
Whatta you think?


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I washed my bota the time I bought it. I re sprayed some of the rusty bits just to make her presentable. I even waxed it! Talk about proud newbie tractor owner...!!!

I have not washed or waxed it since. I do give the hood and fenders a rub of an old cloth from time to time just to get the dust off, but generally no.

I gave the lawn tires a hose down a couple of times when I've driven over fresh dog sh*t but thats as close as it gets to a wash I'm 'fraid.

Only thing I am particular about is grease and lurbricant levels.

To me, theres just something not right looking about a pristine work machine.

Although, FWJ's rig is awsome.........
Tractor detailing

clean machinery

I'm with the majority of you guys. I hose off my machine after every use with soap and water, hose out the radiator core, wash under the hood. It usually gets a coat of wax in the spring before I start using it for the growing season.
We go to a lot of extra trouble for one simple reason:cleanliness is godliness. clean equipment is more likely to last longer and is easier to keep running better for longer. As stated previously, leaks are easier to spot and small problems can be averted before the become big problems.
Yes I wash mine at least every 3-4 times that it is used, so I would guess about once a month. Even wax it every once in a while. I have been known to wash it just before I go and use it. I prefer to look out over a clean machine and vehicle for that matter, I just don't like dirty stuff. I wash off most of my implements and attachments when I am done with them also.


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Every time

I mounted an old electric pressure washer under my carport and keep a short hose attached to the faucet. All I need to do is flip the switch and get er done. I wash the Kubota every time I use it. Thats every weekend when I get to the farm.
I must admit that I'm not as anal as I used to be. However, the B2400 does get hosed down 3-4 times a year and and the occasional suds and power wash but I only wax it once a year, in the early spring. The GL4740 is just over a year old and it has been washed probably half a dozen times. You have to keep the screens clean and blast the dust off the windows so it gets hosed down all over at the same time. It'll probably get waxed in the spring also.

I used to be really bad. I used to hand wash and wax 4 vehicles and the tractor every couple of months. It took a full 2 days to get them all done. The worst one was the old Mustang Gt I had in Dallas. I used to take the cover off, back it out of the garage, hand detail it, run it back into the garage and cover it up again. My wife used to look at me and just shake her head. As I said, I'm getting better but it took years of treatment and therapy.