TN65D AC problem


New member
My TN65D has had a slow freon leak since I have had it, about 7 years. I usually just add 134a to it with a gauge and it works fine. But this time I added the freon, checked it twice, blew out the ac cooling fan area, cleaned the cab air filters, and it worked for a couple of hours, but the compressor was clicking on and off. Now the compressor won't run at all. Any ideas??? Thanks.
It could be a few things....
1. A pressure switch could be bad.
2. Did you ever add freon with compressor oil? A system will also lose oil along with the freon. The compressor could be locked up.
3. If the leak is on the suction side it will draw moisture into the system and possible affect the metering valve as in stopping it up.
4. Did you use 134a for vehicles or 134a for standard refrigeration? They are not the same.