Sub Soiler


New member
Atteneded an Auction this weekend and purchased a MasseyFerguson Single shank Sub Soiler. Would like to try it out in my Hay fields. Has anyone used one of these before and how do they work.
They do work well. You'll need to move your 3PH up or down, based on soil conditions and pulling tractor. They can bog you down a lot if you go too deep.
I use a single shank King Kutter behind my little New Holland. Like Brian said, they really do work. Before I had my tiller I used one on my garden and then tried to till it with my Troy-bilt walk behind. It had broken the ground up so much and made it so rough that it was almost impossible. At that time I didn't have anything else, so is all I could do. Then my neighbor came with his tractor and tiller. Wow, we really had a good garden that year. I think I'll get the sub-soiler out this weekend and start going over the garden getting it ready for some corn planting.