

Well a new toy came yesterday! I bought a little stump grinder from DR tried it out yesterday evening..... works just fine! The project is 72 more stumps to go!!!!! The bigest is a little over 4 ft acrost and the smallest is about 6 in. acrost so it looks like I dont have to look far for something to do this summer!I had several dug out with a back hoe last summer owrked fine but got kind of high priced!!! Rented a stump grinder at the local rental shop but along with the cost, long hall home and the problem that half the time the darn thing wouldnt run after I got it here,that was not the way to go. Took out an oak that was about 28 in acrost and one that was 16 in acrost in just over an hour. last night so think Ill be happy with it. NOW if I can just HUCK FIN the wife into thinking it is fun....................:rolleyes:..........Later Jerry
Congrats on the stump grinder. Sounds like something I could use. Where did you get it? DR doesn't compute for me at the moment.
I have some small stumps that I was thinking of using a back hoe to get out but a stump grinder would probably be the better solution.
Would you post a pic or link to the one you got?

Good luck on Huck Finn'ing your wife. :tiphat: :yum: :D
DR-Professional power for home owners. Also known as Country Home Products A company located in vermont. I have there trimer-mower and it does a great job. Great around rocks. I had planed to get one of there Field and brush mowers but sence I traded tractors and bought a brush hog with it I dont need the dr mower. From my experance the dr equipment is good stuf and it does what they clame it will do. Later Jerry
Ps. Doc I just bought a diditual camera the other day and as soon as I can figure out how to run it Ill take some pictures of the tractor and equipment,and then I have to figure out how to hook it up to the pooter and then how to put the pictures on the site..............IF the good lord will give me that long!!!!!! Later Jerry
I have the DR Field and Brush cutter, the lawn mower attachment and the commercial yard vacuum system from the DR company. While all were a little pricey, the quality and service are in my humble opinion, almost outstanding. Extra belts, blades and tune up kits are all available and are shipped quickly. And I don't own stock in the company either.
Keifer, a (Kubota) RTV wannabe
well I hope all are well around the country!! Thursday the weather warmed a little, and I guess I must of had a small case of cabin fever! Have been looking at some of the members tooth bars for their fel, so..... I went to crownpower and bought some teeth, over to the iron store and picked up some supplys and came home, Friday saw a new tooth bar for my little massey, Then a new landing[parking stand for the backblade,then that was so much fun, a parking stand for the rock rake, and for good measure a parking stand for the little trailer to replace a saging jack stand...... then just to confuse the wife ...drug out the stump grinder and took out four more stumps.... only68 to go!!!!!........Dont think the Huck Fin routine is working on the wife yet.......:rolleyes:
Cool toy!

Here's the link:

Well I guess this goes here. 12 stumps down --60 to go!!!!! man am I having fun...I will say it sure is easyer than diging them out by hand!!!! BUT.... today 20 sq.of house sideing arrived. Sooo... I think I have faint idea what the wife has in HER plans for ME to be doing in the near future. and NO..... the huck fin thing aint working on her yet!!!!!
For an update..... The house siding is up, and one more stump is gone...The bigest of the buntch is gone...took almost all day, but now there is nothing over 36" but a few of those!! Bought a new finish mower to day.... that should cut down on mowing time...and give me more time on the stump grinder. The hguck fin thingy still isnt working......wonder what Im doing wrong???