Well a new toy came yesterday! I bought a little stump grinder from DR tried it out yesterday evening..... works just fine! The project is 72 more stumps to go!!!!! The bigest is a little over 4 ft acrost and the smallest is about 6 in. acrost so it looks like I dont have to look far for something to do this summer!I had several dug out with a back hoe last summer owrked fine but got kind of high priced!!! Rented a stump grinder at the local rental shop but along with the cost, long hall home and the problem that half the time the darn thing wouldnt run after I got it here,that was not the way to go. Took out an oak that was about 28 in acrost and one that was 16 in acrost in just over an hour. last night so think Ill be happy with it. NOW if I can just HUCK FIN the wife into thinking it is fun....................
..........Later Jerry