Starting issues with RTV 900


Staff member
GOLD Patron
I have the 2006 RTV 900. I turn the key after letting the glow plugs glow a bit and nothing. I have to wiggle the shifter and put it back in neutral, and eventually after repeating that exercise a few times it will start.
Any ideas on what might be causing this?
sounds like the neutral safty may be able to bypass it but i cant remember the wireing off hand.I know mine has had issues for years as it starts in any gear but that dosnt bother me at all.Try looking up the wireing for it to see if it can be bypassed or eliminated.It should only involve disconnecting the plug and add a jumpper across it.I think it was only a 2 wire plug if memory serves me correctly
per manual "The safety switch prevents current from flowing to the
starter when the safety switches are released. This is to
ensure safe starting.
The location of the safety switch is in the main shift
arm (on the top of transmission case)." It uses 2 wires basically a relay flipping on and off to allow voltage to pass through.You can bypass it with no issues.JUst make a small jumper to go from one side to the otherwhere the safty switch was.Or cut the connector off and splice the 2 wires together.A simple poor mans fix...
switch location
Awesome guys. Thanks so much. I had heard you mention that switch before but did not know exactly what the symptom was. Now I got it. Wish my RTV engine was a clean as the one in the pic. Mine is a dirty girl I have to admit.
A simple unplug and add a jumper wire to the harness end of the plug overrides the sensor. I bypassed mine shortly after buying it.
Definitely the neutral safety switch. Make sure that when and if you remove it that you SAVE the little shims that look like washers.....Seems that when you replace the switch, if you don't just over ride it by shorting across, one needs those shims and perhaps more to get the correct "distance"/thickness necessary for proper operation........God bless...Dennis