speed lever


I drove a 900 a couple of weeks ago and want to get one.But when you let off the gas pedal it really jerks to a stop.Want my grandson to drive it and don't want him to get hurt.Does that speed lever kit make a big diffrence in stopping?My dealer says they came with the "slow"lever and now they are back to the fast one.Does the slow lever make a big difference?


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I've had both and really prefer the one that causes the most abrupt stop. The speed control assembly that makes the stop more gradual doesn't work as well as hoped. Basically, if you let off the pedal, it will gradually slow but at the very end, it too was abrupt. With that gradual slowing, you honestly had no idea when you were going to stop nor when that abrupt action was going to occur.

Once you get used to the pedal, you'll find that it's best to slowly let off of it and it won't be as abrupt.

How old is your grandson? My daughter has been driving my RTV since she was about 8 years old. The main thing to avoid the chance of getting hurt is the seatbelt. That's true for young passengers as well.


Thanks for info on speed lever,I had a feeling it didn't
make much difference or they wouldn't have changed it back to high speed lever.My grandson just turned nine not quit long enough to reach pedals yet
buthe'll be in drivers seat this summer. Nobody sems to complain abouthow it stopsso I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it. thanks again</P>


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Yea, we kicked this around a lot for the first 2 years. The bottom line is the old (abrupt stop) way works better than the options.

It is a HST and takes time to get used to. If you had the chance to experience both (with either you or your grandson driving), you'll appreciate the current setup. You WILL know when you're going to stop with the existing setup. Not knowing can create a white-knuckle ride...


We went from the "fast" lever to the "slow" lever and found that it was an improvement for us. I think it just depends on the machine in question. The lever iseasy to change and your dealer ought to be able to get you one at no charge. Try 'em both and see which one works for you. Wearing the seat belt is a good idea any way you go.


New member
[quote user="solitude"]I drove a 900 a couple of weeks ago and want to get one.But when you let off the gas pedal it really jerks to a stop.Want my grandson to drive it and don't want him to get hurt.Does that speed lever kit make a big diffrence in stopping?My dealer says they came with the "slow"lever and now they are back to the fast one.Does the slow lever make a big difference?[/quote]</P>

My 8 yr old son drives ours and I think you'll find you like this feature after you get used to it. It is very advantageous for the RTV to stop when the throttle is released for kids. It is a lot easier for them to remember to let off the gas in a panic situation than let off the gas and hit the brakes. Our son has been driving ours for over a year now with no misshaps. Let me add though, that he does not opperate it unsupervised nor should any child.</P>





I'm also preferential towards the fast stop damper. Its more predictable, and easier to shift as it forces the machine into nutural. The slow damper sometimes let the machine creap and you had to fight to get it out of gear. </P>



Got my new rtv900 about a month ago.Couldn't seem to get used of the way it stopped so I ordered the "slow lever".I like it a lot better
much easier to drive now,can even use brakes.
Mine has that hyd release cable and you use that more often to shift mainlycomin out of reverse.Now i'm not afraid for anybody to take it for spin.Most people on the forum like"fast lever"which comes stock but for me I like the slow one better.


New member
I have found that the abrupt stop is less abrupt not only with getting used to the pedal, but as the machine wears in and even if its warmed up or not has some effect on the sensation as well. My machine has the fast damper, and most folks that I have let drive it seem to get used to it fairly quickly, including the younger folks. The fast stop also helps keep the youngins out of trouble as they just let off the go pedal and it stops predictably soon.