Speed control and hard shift adjustments


New member
Hi, new owner here and new to the forum. My new to me machine has about 80 hours on it and has a hard time getting above 20 mph. I would like to adjust it to do 25. I found this on another TSB on another forum and I'm wondering how this would work with Aurthuritis' HVT pedal and linkage adjustments. With Aurthuritis' method you adjust the rod to maximize the travel of the speed control lever. With the attached method you set the rod to 24-13/32" and then adjust the servo to get to no wheel spin at neutral.
Aurthuritus, Thanks for the info you've posted. It is helping me learn about my RTV. I would like to see what you think of this TSB method.


I wonder if they are adjusted differently from the factory. I have an 1100C with 51 hours, purchased new in Nov mine will do 25 fairly easily, it is slow process to reach that speed.
I'm guessing they're all set up differently. In what I've played with mine, a little adjustment can make a difference. When I follow the speed adjustments from the sticky threads and I back off of full speed lever travel a half turn mine is really hard to shift. When I have it in reverse it creeps forward and when I have it in high it creeps backwards. When I back off of full travel on the speed lever about 1-1/2 to 2 turns it shifts really nice.

I think I will do the TSB to make sure the servo is adjusted correctly then go back to the sticky threads method. Its been too cold to want to play with it.
The method i use came right out of the rtv x1100c factory service manual. The only adjustment to the servo is to center it so that the swash plate rest in neutral or in the old machines centered. If your machine creeps then the servo needs adjusted if it doesn't creep thennleave it alone. In the proper adjustment you always start with the peddle in it's highest position. It may be necessary to disconnect the peddle from the control cable to get it to it's upper limit or it may not. This is critical. Then when the peddle has full travel and the peddle stop screw is set you can then adjust the hst speed control lever via lengthening or shortening the hst speed rod. The little tiny cable on the throttle lever must also be adjusted. The goal is to get every available bit of travel in the control linkages. The hst speed lever and the throttle lever must hit their stops at exactly the same time but not over travel. If you don't follow the whole sequence from the peddle all the way through it won't work.
The method i use came right out of the rtv x1100c factory service manual. The only adjustment to the servo is to center it so that the swash plate rest in neutral or in the old machines centered. If your machine creeps then the servo needs adjusted if it doesn't creep thennleave it alone. In the proper adjustment you always start with the peddle in it's highest position. It may be necessary to disconnect the peddle from the control cable to get it to it's upper limit or it may not. This is critical. Then when the peddle has full travel and the peddle stop screw is set you can then adjust the hst speed control lever via lengthening or shortening the hst speed rod. The little tiny cable on the throttle lever must also be adjusted. The goal is to get every available bit of travel in the control linkages. The hst speed lever and the throttle lever must hit their stops at exactly the same time but not over travel. If you don't follow the whole sequence from the peddle all the way through it won't work.
Here are details of my machine:
  • Used 2021 bought it 2 weeks ago with 77 hours
  • Did the 50 hour maintenance changing engine oil and filter, fuel filter, transmission filters and topped off SUDT2 in both places.
  • Adjusted the throttle high rpm stop to 3200 with a photo sensor tach.
  • Tires are inflated to #20.
Here is the method I followed, I will bold my comments/problems near the steps:
1. Take the four bolts out of the rear plate that protects the filters. this plate is just above the hitch. look to your left and you will see the HVT speed lever attached to a heim joint and rod leading up at an angle. remove the bolt attaching the rod and heim joint to the lever.
2. Raise the bed without starting the machine by placing the lift lever in float and raising by hand and secure with the safety.
3.find the throttle cable attached to the governor arm of the injection pump. loosen the jamb nut and unscrew the cable from the heim joint.
4. On the floor of the cab under the foot peddle there is a bolt that restricts travel of the peddle. this is the peddle stop screw. loosen the jamb nut and turn the bolt in a long way so it is out of the way.
5. Push down on the peddle until the full travel of the peddle bottoms out. adjust the stop screw up until the stop screw hits the bottom of the peddle just before it bottoms out. have someone hold the peddle against the stop and go to step 6
The peddle started from the high position and the stop was set about a half inch above the floor.
6. Go to the back of the machine and look at the HVT speed lever. compare the rod length to the lever travel and adjust the heim joint by loosening the jamb nut and turning the heim out until the HST speed lever is at full travel less just a little bit. "never run against the stop". I backed it off 1/2 turn.
7. Tighten the bolt holding the heim joint to the HST speed lever and tighten the jamb nut on the control rod.
8. Let the peddle go back to the idle position. reattach the throttle cable to its heim joint and turn in until the cable tightens and then adjust it back a little so the cable isn't tight. you want the throttle stop on the governor control lever to rest on the stop and not be held by the cable. tighten the jamb nut on the throttle control cable.
9. Push the peddle down against the stop and have someone hold it there for you. look at the throttle control cable again but now it should be at max travel and the throttle control arm should be against the max revolution stop.
The control cable was tight against the stop and held the foot peddle 1/2" above the peddle stop bolt adjusted in step 5. This stops the HVT lever short of full travel.
10. Check everything by cycling the foot peddle and making sure the HVT speed lever is at full travel at the same time the governor lever on the injection pump hits the high limit stop. if the governor control cable hits the stop before the HVT speed lever can make full travel then adjust the Throttle cable a little looser until the HVT speed lever is at full travel without putting to much tension on the throttle control cable. they both should hit max at the same time. I loosened the control cable until the HVT speed level was at full travel, the peddle was resting on the stop bolt, and the throttle was against the high limit stop. At idle the control cable is really loose. The machine creeps forward when idling in reverse and creeps backwards when idling in high(forward gear). Top speed was about 20 mph on the flat with a warmed up machine while it was 3 degrees.

I don't know much about adjusting the servo but it seems to me this would take care of the creep I have now. I would like to squeeze 25 mph out of it. I will run through this again tomorrow. Do you have any thoughts on what I did or should do? Thanks!
Thank you. Your info and description is excellent. Your machine is creeping because the controls are out of adjustment holding the speed control lever in engagement with the servo i think. Test this by disconnect the hst speed rod with the lever in it's slowest or stopped position then start the engine and put in gear...stay in cab for safety... if the machine doesn't creep then your servo is fine. I will talk theory at this time hopefully to clear up some things...the push pull cable that attached to the peddle only has so much travel and then the peddle itself only has it's travel... you must get these two into relationship so that as you push the peddle from it's upper limit and just as the push pull cable reaches its limit the peddle hits the stop bolt coming up from the floor. So simply.. peddle up push pull cable at it's neutral limit and peddle down against the stop the push pull should be at it's high limit...
With the bell crank in its detent your push pull cable should be at it's maximum holding the pedal up. The peddle must not bind the push pull cable preventing this.
An interesting note. The old models before the X series the hst speed lever had reverse capabilities that went unused. Some made a rocker peddle for the floor so they had forward reverse in all gears just like the tractors. Not possible in the X
I did the servo test with the rod detached and there was no movement. The servo is fine. I had shortened the push pull cable to eliminate play before I found your method. There is a little binding of the cable when you release the peddle. This will give me something to think about while I'm in church :-). I will try it again this afternoon. Thanks!
Just remember that the throw on a push pull cable is fixed. You adjust by loosing the u clamp on the end and then moving the whole cable on each end. The clevis is just for fine tuning
Ok, I loosened the push pull cable back to where it was before I first messed with it. I redid the procedure where the speed lever and the throttle maxed together and the speed lever returned to neutral with no creep. Testing on the road I got to 23-24 mph. Testing with the rear tires jacked off the ground I got to 28 mph which is a little faster than spec'd in the service manual. I am happy where it is now. I'll test it again in warmer weather, maybe I'll get 25 mph out of it when it's not 0 degrees.

I had started out using the YouTube videos for picking up speed and they worked. But I was running the engine close to 3600 without knowing it and operating the machine in a way that wasn't consistent with its design and specifications. Unfortunately it made it hard for me to get everything adjusted to this method. I'm glad I found this forum and the service manual.

Thanks for your help Aurthuritis! It was generous of you.
With 26 inch tires at 20 psi the extra diameter increases the ratio so i get 31 mph on good hard flat road. It will carry 28 on a grade. Speed checked with gps
I'll get the RPM up and re-adjust the linkage to see what I can get out of it. We have temps for testing, we are in the 50's this week instead of below 0. I'll have to stay with the worksite tires as they are too new upgrade yet.

On another subject. My machine has 80 hours but it is 4 years old. How does time (not hours used) affect the UDT2 oil?
Change the hst oil once a year or every 250 hours whichever occurs first. Use only sudt oil. There are commercial units out there with many tens of thousands of hours on them that haven't been touched except for maintenance. Then there is the low hour machine that has the same oil waiting for the hours that needs an hst.
I changed the fluid today. After 4 years and 89 hours the old hydraulic system oil looked ok but the transmission oil was gray with a bit of metal sludge on the magnetic plug. I'll run this for a few hours and change it again. Hopefully this was just break in sludge. You are right in changing these fluids annually.

I adjusted the RPM up to 3600 and got the ground speed up to 26 on the flats and 30 down hill.
The stuff on the plug is just from the gearcase. It is normal. If you want to know what's in the hst you'll have to cut the filters. Make sure you drain the gear case and the tank because they are separate