RTVx1100c Fuel tank capacity


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I know the spec sheet lists fuel tank at 7.9

I filled up today, I had 3 bars when I headed to gas station. So I took the long scenic way around. I had been at two bars for awhile when I finally arrived at gas station.
Pumped 7.5 gallons of diesel into the tank. I did top it off after pump shut off. I went to the rim since I was off on a scenic ride of 30 miles or so. But 7.5 shocked me.
After my ride I still am showing fulll. Wish I could set a trip meter to see how many miles between fill ups.

A few pics from todays outing. :

on my x1100c at one bar and i get on a 2 percent side slope away from the fuel pickup in the tank and the engine will cut out. at two bars there is only about an inch in the tank.
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on my x1100c at one bar and i get on a 2 percent side slope away from the fuel pickup in the tank and the engine will cut out. at two bars there is only about an inch in the tank.
Good to know. Will that put air in the fuel line? Making it difficult to restart? And perhaps require bleeding/priming?
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i guess in a worst case scenario it could. probably good idea to carry a wrench that fits the nut on the injectors. but i haven't ever ran mine completely out of fuel. i did have it sputter once but i was real careful to get home and fuel up. since then i don't leave home with less than half a tank.
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We have run out twice with our x1100c and both times it started right up. Our gauge is way off. First time at 2 bars on flat ground and the second time on 3 bars on a slight slope. We fill her up at 1/2 tank now at about 5.2 gallons.
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I had two bars showing and was on a slope behind my house when the RTV started sputtering. As I moved to flatter ground it ran smooth. If I recall correctly I was going up the slope at a 45 degree angle so that the fuel would have pooled at passenger rear side.

Ever since then I always fill when at two bars. Never had the issue since.
I did top it off after pump shut off.
That works on your RTV but don't do that on modern vehicles. I know from experience that bad things can happen. Just can't recall right now what went bad (maybe a sensor or similar) but it was costly.
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i remember reading a post where someone was able to calibrate their fuel meter with some resistors. I wonder if the author could go over that again for us.
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Thanks for this validation folks. Three times now I have experienced my engine sputtering out at 2 bars when turning hard at speed. At first I thought is was just water I needed to sump out, but later decided it was just a calibration issue. Needless to say I now fill up at 3 bars and keep a spare can at work...just in case. People don't want to here their plane is late because the Mechanic ran out of fuel. :pat:

BTW...the RTVX1100C has met and exceeded every expectation I had. Thanks again for your help. (y)
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On my 2014 X900….the fuel gauge has 7 segments. Each one seems to equate to one gallon. When it’s down into the last / lower segment…I refill and it always takes 7 gals. As I add the fuel…as each gallon “ticks off” on the meter another segment illuminates/fills-in.
The manual warns that it is important to be on “level” for the gauge to be accurate.
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