RTV1100 doors hard to close


The doors on my RTV have been getting harder and harder to close. I took the time to remove the latch, clean and oiled it, then reinstall. When I reinstalled I left the bolts a little loose and closed the door until it latched. I then snugged the bolts, opened the door and tightened them. You do not have much play but I think they may have moved back a little over time from closing. I have tried to oil them in the past without much luck. Right now I can close the door and with a light pull it will latch. I'll just have to wait and see how long it last before I have to do it again.
My RTV x1100c is so tightly sealed that the doors close much easier if I crack a window. They swing easily up until the door is almost completely closed, but then the increased pressure causes difficultly. Your doors might not be swinging as easily as mine, but i regard the problem that I have is just a measure of a good tight fit. Amazingly tight for a UTV-type vehicle.
Mine's not as tight as it use to be due to age and use. It had got so bad you could hold one door open and still have trouble closing the other door.
Alaskanassasin, thanks for the suggestion. The door was closing good but I looked at the post and both doors were hitting below the post between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. I tried to adjust the striker but it appears that the most movement was in and out, not up and down. It may be more to adjust how tight the door closes. I then loosened the door hinge and tried to move the end of the door up. If you have help use a cheater and hook it in the door and have them pull up while you tighten the bolts. I got both doors within 1/8 to 1/16 center of the post. I'm guessing that over time the weight of the door pulled it down. I can now just pull the door closed easy and if needed pull it a little to latch. It needed both fixes.
Its easy to check just use your finger and push the latch to the closed position, close the door, and see where the latch is touching the post. Adjust if its off center. You can see it from outside the RTV.
Good deal! I wasn’t sure if the post was adjustable when I wrote that but it sounded like they weren’t aligned. Glad you figured it out!
I pulled the door post and it has round holes not slotted. The post moves in more of a arc mainly in and out. With the hinge bolts loose you can pull on the end of the door and get it to move. It does not look like the best way to have to adjust a door but it worked for me. Maybe it will help someone else later.