RTV ~~ What weapon do you carry in your RTV ?

Two Guns,,</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">45 cal auto model 1911 strapped to my side.............or 38 cal smith and wesson model 37 airweight in my coat pocket.....</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Rusty Anvl........</P>


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I have a stand that goes in the cargo box with an interchangable mount.
If it's small game, I mount the GAU-2B.
For larger game, If I don't feel like aiming much, I mount a pair of AIM-9's. If I feel like aiming, I use the TOW (but need to watch that the wire doesn't get snagged). For some reason, there's not much meat left when I get a hit. The pieces you do find are already cooked though so a picnic on the spot is common.

OK, kidding aside.
There's normally at least 1 pistol with me at all times and it's normally my daily carry gun. For the rifle, it depends on the time of year. For varmints, I'll either use the .17 Remington or the HBAR (.223). If bear are around, I'll keep the 45-70 and a bigger pistol on my side. Deer season is normally a 30-06.


I must be over dressed then. I always have the SKS with the 100 round clip and If I am hunting it is either 7mag or 300 Ultramag. I just feel like the SKS belongs on the RTV. Several years after I purchased it I learned that I did not have the Genuine model and that mine was a copy.. Original or not it will wear the hogs out,,,No problem at all.!


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That 7.62 X 39 is very deadly on them hogs !!!! Drops 'em like a sack of taters >>>> [:O]
I didn't thinkPa, Mountain men could be outguned.....I better get a scabbard and start carrying my AR-15 with two 30 round clips...........Mrbass still has us by the SKS with the 100 clip..........</P>

Rusty Anvil......</P>


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[quote user="RUSTY ANVIL"]I didn't thinkPa, Mountain men could be outguned...[/quote]
They can't... [:D]

We just let those southern boys (and mainly the Texans) think they have/carry more firepower.[;)] Do we dare ask why he needs 100 rounds? I only need 1. [:p]
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">You are right,,,,,,,,WHO needs more than 1 shot..........When I go turkey hunting I only take a single barrell shotgun with one 3 inch magnum 00BUCK..........That is all us Mountain need.............[:D]</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Just got word that there might be a Texas Ranger or a LEO heading for Pa...........I don't think we need the PSP for two little police cars...............LOL..........I love it when things come together..........And I didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.................</P>
<P style="__styleDocument: [object]">Rusty Anvil.,,,,</P>

ez chair

Rusty, Don't waste that 3". Wait till the first one crosses the road and bring the Orange Bomber up to its break-neck 24.9mph speed and you will get the third one!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HUNTING


Just this morning i rounded the corner near the creek and there were 30+ hogs working on one of my food plots.I think they have gotten used to the rtv,,they never even ran. 11 shots later i had 7 of them on the ground. Bring whatever gun you want and show me how to do that with 1 shot..! here are some pics the game camera got.</P>

Yesterday afternoon i had some "macho Hunters" in there on foot walking around and 1 of them got treed for about 20minsby a big brown hog,not sure why his 243 wouldnt keep the hog off of him..</P>

Like i said earlier,,this SKS is the perfect hog gun. Sometimes they run and having multiple shots is very handy!!</P>



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That's what I'm talking about >>>> Take 'em out !!!! The SKS is a wonderful hog rifle !!!</P>

Yes, bet that was a site seeing one of the 'old boys treed !!! It's all funny, till you are the one being hung up in a tree..... Been there many times !!! But, it's all part of the game >>>>> That's why, when on foot, I ALWAYS carry a auto-rifle with me.... I've been cut by boar hogs before, and it ain't pretty !!! Hell, even had them attack me on the Rubicons before, them big 'ole boar hogs don't back down from nothing !!!!</P>

In the summer time, we take 'em out and drag them up into the swamps, and let the gators have themselves atime. That might be why I have some of the biggest gators in this part of the country ~~~~</P>

<FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=6>~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~ </FONT></P>


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[quote user="MRBASS"]Bring whatever gun you want and show me how to do that with 1 shot..! [/quote]
You know I'm just messin' with 'ya. If invited down to hunt the hogs, I would ponder whether to bring the SKS, AK-47 or AR-15.

We don't have a hog issue around here. Turkey are everywhere. Shotguns are the preferred method of sending them to turkey heaven. We also have the benefit of not being part of the food chain around here and only get beat up (via kick or charge) by horses and cattle.


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See you also use the HBAR, I also have some of the Colt HBAR ELITES, first two was purchased in the mid- '80's when they introduced the Elite packages. Fine rifles, fine hog guns, matter of fact, 80% of the time when I'm on foot running around in the swamps. That's what I will carry.....</P>

<FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=6>~~~~ Two Guns~~~~ </FONT></P>


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What do you load these hogs with, let me show you something every hunter needs. This thing is the stuff, loaded so, so many deer & hogs with this thing this year, it's WAY done paid for itself ..... You can remove it or leave it attached. So easy, a four year old child could use it .... Sure saved me & Mrs. Two Guns much trouble. </P>

<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> <FONT face=JohnHancock><FONT color=#ff0000 size=6>~~~~ Two Guns~~~~ </FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>


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[quote user="bczoom"]If invited down to hunt the hogs, I would ponder whether to bring the SKS, AK-47 or AR-15.[/quote]
DOH, that's embarrassing (and I need to dig through the safes more often). Spotted the Ruger Mini-14 and Mini-30. Either would be good choices as well.

Jamie - My HBAR doesn't fit in the Kolpin boot mounted to the RTV. Between the bipod, scope and cheek rest, it's just too big.


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My A-2 looks similar, but don't have the Harris bipod.....</P>

As you already know, these rifles were not made for the weak !!!</P>


[quote user="bczoom"][quote user="MRBASS"]Bring whatever gun you want and show me how to do that with 1 shot..! [/quote]
You know I'm just messin' with 'ya. If invited down to hunt the hogs, I would ponder whether to bring the SKS, AK-47 or AR-15.

We don't have a hog issue around here. Turkey are everywhere. Shotguns are the preferred method of sending them to turkey heaven. We also have the benefit of not being part of the food chain around here and only get beat up (via kick or charge) by horses and cattle.


I knew you were just playin,,after all Two Guns warned me you were a Playa!</P>

Seriously if you want to come hunt some hogs, i can seriously fix you up. Typically they show up in Decemberand by June they have moved on. Now until late march would be a great time.</P>

I actually have several chain winches hangin in different areas around the 1200 acres just to load game with.. We usually drag them to the winches and lift them up into the RTV or Clean them. The Nastyred one in the photo got dragged to the edge of the lake, along with 5 other ones this morning. I should have got some pics of the hogs all daisy chained behind the rtv.. I brought one back home and quartered it for a buddy.</P>


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This is what I used to drag my deer out with, if they were to big to load up by myself >>>>></P>

We called it the " skidder " </P>
