RTV stuck in forward


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The shift lever appears to be in neutral ....and I can start the RTV, but once started I cannot move to L, M, H or R ....but if I touch the gas it goes forward.

Mine is a RTV 900 06 model. Sure hope this is not serious. Any advice appreciated. I miss her working already and I just found out. My wife had tried to use it on the 30th before I mowed and she said she finally gave up as she could not get it in gear. I said I hope you did not force it and she assured me she did not. .....I guess the definition of force is what I'm wondering about now.

D&D Farm

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Doc, this has happened several times over the years.......Something about the shifting forks are out of alignment. I never had the problem, so I guess I didn't pay enough attention to the what's and how's..........no time like the present I guess......Hang in Bud, the Lone Ranger will come along soon I am sure........God bless.....Dennis


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Thanks Dennis.
I vaguely recall reading a thread or two about the misaligned forks. I'm not much of a mechanic, so I'm wondering how to get it on the trailer to get it to a dealer.

D&D Farm

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Depending upon the size of the trailer...........you have used this trailer for this before?.........Tandem axle PLEASE.......
For me, I hook up the trailer to the truck first so the trailer wont be able to move on me..........
If you have forward, which I think you said you do, try driving it on without any aid of a witch or come-along. If it wont happen, use the wench or come along on the front while you have it in gear and going forward.
Merely pull it on and off you go. Use the engine/trans as much as you can to help you even if it is in like high and wont pull itself on by itself; by using the wench/come along you will be able to get it done.......God bless...Dennis


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Thanks Dennis. Yep, I carried this RTV from Mobile Alabama to Ohio, and I've had it to the dealer a time or two since. But currently my RTV is facing forward in the garage, and it will only go forward. No neutral. So it will not roll at all.


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This is a common problem with the older RTVs but it's easy to fix. No need to go to the dealer. If you're the handy at all this is a 30 minute job.

Pull the shifting plate that is located on top of the transmission and you'll see the issue (you'll need to disconnect the cables too). I'd be willing to bet that the shifting peg has jumped out of the forks so you'll need to realign the forks for reassembly. Try moving both forks to the rearward position. If you can't move them then you need to jack up the rear of the vehicle to take the pressure off of the drivetrain. Once this pressure has been relieved then the forks will move easily. Now comes the tricky part - looking at the bottom of the shifting plate try to position the peg so it will sit in the forks when you drop the plate on the transmission. Once correctly in place, reinstall the plate and the cables.

Kubota had a problem with the old shifting pegs slipping out of the forks. They came up with a new peg (squarish instead of round) and had a recall on these years ago. We missed the recall as well and had to buy the parts. I don't remember what it cost but it was negligible and worth it.

Hope this helps!


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Yea Doc. It sounds like the shifting fork for sure. Doggman also had a thread on this years ago and I think his, or someones was stuck in reverse. There are a couple of posts with pictures of the shifting fork too.. I will see what I can find also. collie

Edit: here ya go Doc. :tiphat: http://www.nettractortalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11383&highlight=shifting+fork

edit 2 I would also try just rocking it back and forth . all the while someone gently tried to shift to neutral, before operating on 'er. (sometimes mine ,if in a bind like parked uphill,doesn't want to shift. so I rock and then it shifts .
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Thanks guys!!!!!! Awesome info. :tiphat: :clap: :clap: I'm tied up today but will post here once I get this figured out and fixed.


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I tried the shake shake shake routine to no avail. Wife was trying to slip it out of the stuck position as I shook it. Tried both with motor on and motor off. Neither did the trick. Dang it.


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Oh darn Doc... I guess on to plan B........... ( nothing under the hood blocking the shifter is it?) (wishfull thinking) Good luck! collie


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thanks Collie ....No nothing under the hood blocking shifting. I tried to work the shifter from there to no avail. Oh well, when she's broke she's broke.


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my RTV is facing forward in the garage, and it will only go forward. No neutral. So it will not roll at all.

Doc, can you use a floor jack to raise the back to roll it out? Or maybe use your fel to lift it?


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Thanks Jim. Today I came up with the floor jack idea and plan to try it tomorrow. One thing I had not mentioned as I did not see it as a problem is that I have been stuck in 4wd for months. Never concerned me as everywhere we go, we need 4wd. Well, jacking up the back the front still will not turn but it's worth a try.
I had not thought of the FEL. With my forks on it that could work also.
Thanks again Jim. Good thinking.


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Sorry Doc but you can rock that thing until the cows come home and the only thing that it'll get you is tired. Mine got stuck in reverse and I tried everything including jacking up the front and rear and trying to work it loose by hand. It didn't work so I backed it onto a trailer just to get it back to the shop. We ended up pulling it off the trailer with the winch skidding it all the way.

I'll guarantee that shifting peg has popped out of the forks/cups in the tranny and is wedged where it shouldn't be. However, you can do the repair yourself which would eliminate trying to figure out how you're going to get it to the dealer. Pop that shifting cover off the top of the tranny and take a look. If nothing else, you should be able to move the forks/cups and get it into neutral. You have nothing to lose.


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If you're stuck in fwd how about a set of tire dollies?


Woodsy has a good ideea too. Worth a try.



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I thought if tire dollies to. I just about bought some last fall for another purpose. Wish I did as I can't justify them for this. Thanks.

And thanks for your input Woodsy. :tiphat:


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Good Luck Doc. The tire dollies sound good to me too. The rocking only was to eliminate it being just in a bind -like mine sometimes does. Nothing but an "operation" will put the fork back in place after it pops out.
When mine is hard to shift out of 4wd, I turn the steering wheel hard left and right and also pump the brakes. .. it works fairly well and there used to be a label on the dash by the shifter saying to try that.
Also when mine rtv is just hard to get in gear, I work the shifter pattern seeing what it will go in and then shift into that, wiggling it back and forth and then working the shifter to find the other easy gears . After that it usually flows easily into the gear I want ( unless in a bind like headed up to something .After 6,900 plus hours of seat time and doing my own repairs, it still works for me. :) collie


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Wow 6900 hours. just Wow. I'm still a hair under 800.
Rocking it a little did allow us to get it out of 4wd. :thumb:
I weenied out and took it to the dealer to be fixed. With my work schedule I simply do not have time to play with it and figure it out. I'm close enough to see the light at the end of the retirement tunnel and I like to think if I was retired I'd take the time and figure it out with help / advice from yous guys
So I should have it back later this week. Will keep you posted.

Lifting the rear did not go so smooth as it went crooked and was going to hit the garage door track. So I ended up dragging it. Here are my skid marks. :eek:


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