RTV for Farm Use (Tax Question)

If I buy an RTV for farm use do I have to pay sales tax?
Yes, each state is different. I tried that with my purchase. State of Ohio got ahold of me and wanted copies of two years of tax returns showing certain parts for farm use ...I forget which ones but it was questionable in my mind if I'd qualify and figured they'd find a way to stop me from qualifying so I ended up mailing in the check for the sales tax. Maybe you would have better luck in your state.
Yes, each state is different. I tried that with my purchase. State of Ohio got ahold of me and wanted copies of two years of tax returns showing certain parts for farm use ...I forget which ones but it was questionable in my mind if I'd qualify and figured they'd find a way to stop me from qualifying so I ended up mailing in the check for the sales tax. Maybe you would have better luck in your state.
I'm in Ohio also.
The title must be why I got the 3rd degree from the state. This was last year when I bought my Honda Pioneer. I bought the RTV's I have owned used and never had a title for either of them. I bought from private owners and never paid taxes on either of them. I am the 2nd owner of the RTV 1140 I currently own. The first owner bought it from the same dealer I use for service. He gave me all the paperwork he got when he bought new. No title. Sounds worth a try not to pay the taxes. I did not have to pay a penalty when they came after me for taxes on the Honda Pioneer, so it shouldn't cost you any extra to try.
Here in MS, I paid full sales tax. When I last asked, the dealer told me to call the tax bureau . I did and they said it must have a pto to qualify. I use mine 100 % on the farm but since no pto I paid full sales tax of 7%. My bil once bought a 4 whlr out of state, was charged no sales tax, and MS sent him a bill, even though he only uses it for the cattle farm.. He doesn't hunt nor ride for pleasure. Big brother is watching... collie
The rules for an ag exemption in Ohio are pretty tough. You have to have a certain number of acres and the equipment has to be used in the production of animals/food among other things. The farm must generate a percentage of income for the farmer. It's best to search the website for the Ohio Department of Tax.
The only thing I wanted a title for was driving on the road but since it only goes 25mph you can drive all day on the road with a smv sign.
The rules for an ag exemption in Ohio are pretty tough. You have to have a certain number of acres and the equipment has to be used in the production of animals/food among other things. The farm must generate a percentage of income for the farmer. It's best to search the website for the Ohio Department of Tax.

I just call my Cpa before buying stuff but I think your correct a certain amount of household income from ag to qualify. That said I called her about buying a zero turn mower and I know she said I can’t write off the entire amount but I think a partial write off.
If you are in Ohio and file a schedule F (profit/loss from farming) your equipment purchases directly for the farm are tax exempt. They called me when we got the Honda Foreman to confirm it was used more than 50% of the time for farm. I confirmed it was.

for the RTVs, you don't pay tax if you don't get the certificate. (sort of a title.) But what stinks it you can take it down to Wayne National Forrest if you wanted to because they you require you to have it registered.

Check with a tax person or CPA before purchasing in your area.
Paid full tax down here in Louisiana, on the RTV. Alligator King gotta get his ....
Been awhile though .... I had to stop and think on this.....
In Texas you have to have a tax ID Number to be farm exempt. When I bought the Mitsubishi tractor a couple years ago, I do not have one as I am retired, and I had to pay the tax.
In Texas you have to have a tax ID Number to be farm exempt. When I bought the Mitsubishi tractor a couple years ago, I do not have one as I am retired, and I had to pay the tax.

Shinnery, all you need do is go online to the state website and request an "Ag/Timber" exemption, and meet the requirements set out in the online-form. Two weeks later you'll get a tax cert. in the mail with your exemption number. Good for 2 years.

You must have a qualifying address (rural) and must have a qualifying crop (food, feed/hay, timber). You are cautioned that an inspector may visit your production site and that fraudulent use is a serious penalty.
I have 66 acres but I am retired (78 yo), no crop no production, I still have farm truck tags on one pick-up but they will go away when they age out.