This is an old thread I bumped to answer David's question without hijacking that other thread.

.. I think they are only good in a pot...
This is an old thread I bumped to answer David's question without hijacking that other thread.collie
Thanks David and Two Guns.
I used the Kioti 4wd to pull out a stuck skid steer. I can't find that picture but the skid steer was quite heavy( edit: .. but I was sure glad it was around to pull that Cat out out. Yep, I was stuck in a "dried up"pond and...sinking.
I like spraying pastures with it but the lift has a mind of it's own and will lift too high sometimes and then next time not so I am cautious when tilling the garden with it. I am sure if I used it more , then it would work better because I would remember the quirks (it's and mine).
For FEL work the HST is preferred.
Since the larger HP tractor is gear, there will be a significant difference in power to the ground. 43hp HST is minimal power at best.
Any other features different about them? How many years difference?
Oh, just noticed the newer FEL does not have QA bucket removal.... That's a deal breaker for me. If you buy a non QA FEL you will regret it.
I have 5 different attachments I regularly use on my FEL.
I've had HST and gear. Just depends on the application. Both are worthy. Don't scrimp on things like QA FEL. The uses of a properly equipped tractor cannot be overstated.
I started with a B2910 (30HP) HST tractor. Then a L4400 (44HP) gear tractor. Then a M9540 (95Hp) hydraulic shuttle tractor. Each have their place. Concentrate on options.