RTV 500 overheating


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Good job Franzh! :clap: :clap: :clap: Saved yourself a bunch in labor also. Way to go. :tiphat:

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
Gold Site Supporter
Those torque values sound like Briggs& Stratton numbers. Are you sure they were in ft. lbs. and not nm or whatever they use? Seem kind of low to me also.


New member
I have a master guide showing bolt torque taking into bolt tensile strength, fine or course threads, metric or US standard, integral washer head, and oiled or dry threads. It came in at 28 ft lbs so I feel perfectly fine with 25 ft lbs bolt torque, especially since I used mystic JT6 on the bolt threads and bolt head. So far, we have put almost 2 hours on the Bota.

Yesterday afternoon I took my wife for a ride around the ranch, including inside one of our dried stock tanks (we are still in a drought). The tank bottom is almost totally dried out, making it a perfect place to show off the low range and 4wd. If it were going to overheat, it should have done it. About an hour of 20 foot tall 45 degree climbs and drops with both of us and our dog and the temp gauge never went over the 1/8 mark, with the cooling fan coming on once or twice. One more oil change to get rid of the remaining emulsified oil and water and I'll call it fixed. Thanks to all for your support.
