RTV 2" receiver mounted broadcast spreader

Well, I finally finished up the mechanical and electrical controls install for the Herd spreader I bought. The speed controller and slide gate actuator controls I purchased extra from Herd were basically a joke and it was kind of a hodge-podge thrown together systems with not enough wire and cable to even reach the spreader from within my cab. The spreader is built like a tank. Love it. They need help in their wiring and controls department.

So..........I designed and built my own controls. I mounted the new control box with everything incorporated into one box, ran 4 conductor SOOW cable from the dash to a IP67 rated bulkhead connector on the passenger side back bulkhead. The connector is a 5 pin. Then, I ran the main control cable alongside the edge of the dump bed into a IP67 rated junction box mounted on the spreader brackets. From there, the wiring ran to the linear actuator for the slide gate and to the spinner wheel motor.

Seeing that Kubota didn't include a 20A spare 12VDC power circuit, I installed a separate 12 VDC feed directly from the battery to another rear bulkhead connector and then ran the power to my new control box. Inside the box, I installed a 20 amp fuse ahead of the power On/Off switch.
So, now I can control the spinner wheel motor speed with a small DC variable speed drive and I can control the slide gate inside the hopper, all remotely controlled from within the cab without ever having to get out to make any adjustments. I like air conditioning.

So, I am ready to apply fire ant bait. Now, if mother nature would only co-operate and quit raining every other day.

IMG_0472.JPGIMG_0473.JPGSorry about the photo bomb with my sausage digit........