rtv 1100 off road capability


pivatic1, I have the 1100, and I think it's about the best purchase I've made ever, my wife even loves it. Like Two Guns said, these machines, are machines, they are built commercially and can be used commercially. Mine has gone anywhere so far and done all that I've asked of it. And I only have the worksite tires on it and very satisfied, even in the snow and soft greasy land. Your applications may justify an early change. But man you can't stop thinking of what you can do with your RTV next, especially the 1100, just put about 20 something miles on it Sat. driving on the rural and State Rts. thru 2 towns, even beat the wife home.</P>

You will love "IT"</P>



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[quote user="notlaw"]Mine has gone anywhere so far and done all that I've asked of it. And I only have the worksite tires on it and very satisfied, even in the snow and soft greasy land.

Wait until you get some more agressive tread. ..

BTW, Nice name (Brian). Same as mine.


Lowered the pressure today to 10psi in the fronts and 12 in the rears..much more "Cushy" ride thats for sure and still goes thru mud like it is not even there.!! Tomorrow the 589's are going to get some Slime,,just in case..!!


I actually have one a buddy gave me. brand new in the box and its even camo..</P>

It is a Mile Marker 2500lb ATV Winch.. Not really what i wanted,but the price was right.! Figured with a snatch block it should work for a while anyway..</P>


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I know several people who own the Mile Markers, they are still running great. Secret to any winch, is don't let it set up without working it some. Even if you dont use it, ever now and then, mayber at least once a month, run out about 15 foot, and reel it back in..... Keeps the brushes in the motor working proper, and keeps everything from " stoveing & seizeing " up !!!</P>

Yes, use that snatch block, it will keep you from laboring your winch to much !!! [:D]</P>

<FONT face=Arial><FONT size=2></FONT><FONT size=6> </FONT></FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5><FONT size=6>jamie ~~~~ Two Guns</FONT> </FONT></P>


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Not even close ~~~~~~~</P>

But 95% of my running the RTV is on flat ground. But do run it sometimes on the property in Mississippi, that has some hellish hills, hollers, and holes... washouts etc.... Try not to put myself in any position that will make me even think about this thing rolling ......</P>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> <FONT face=JohnHancock><FONT color=#ff0000 size=6>~~~~ Two Guns~~~~ </FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>


[quote user="pivatic1"]any of you guys rolled the RTV over , yet?[/quote]</P>

Why? Please tell us you didn't put it on it's top to clean the mud better.[:-*]</P>


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Nope, not here, might spill the coffee !!!!!</P>


<FONT color=#ff0000 size=6>OOPS >>>>>>></FONT></P>


thank you for all your input. I have about every acc. ordered for our RTV 1100 and they are all backordered for about a month now. The RTV is in Anderson now getting the bed and brush guard Rhino lined. They should deliver it today or tomarrow morning and I have to say I am excited, esppecially after all the research that went into it. I'll put pics up soon. Thanks again.


<P mce_keep="true">pivatic1</P>
<P mce_keep="true">The front brush guard looks great with the black coat. That's one of the things i didn't really like about the orange machine. If you have any questions about your accessories please ask. I have them all and installed all of them myself. You should really enjoy the 1100 it's a great machine.</P>