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[quote user="MessickFarmEqu"]

Somthing is defentialy not right....it really takes alot to heat that big transmission. </P>



Let us know what KUBOTA has to say about all this, I understand that your dealer is doing all he can. But I'm really interested how Kubota takes care of this. Like many others, know you have a fortune tied up in this brand new machine. Somebody needs to step up quickly and take care of this problem. Even if it takes a Kubota engineer to fly in and look things over. This is no cake walk, this is a machine that you purchased to help you with your business, and it needs to be taken care of ASAP.</P>

<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> <FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=5>Two Guns </FONT></FONT></DIV>


Since the tracks are an aftermarket modification I suspect Kubota will want to see how the unit operates with the tracks off and the wheels back on. I hope that's not a big job to do.


New member
we use ours for grooming snowmobile trails and have yet to see the bed or trany heat up like you describe, kept checking the other night how hot the bed got and at all times i was able to hold my hand on the bed (maybe 150)</P>



New member
we use ours for grooming snowmobile trails and have yet to see the bed or trany heat up like you describe, kept checking the other night how hot the bed got and at all times i was able to hold my hand on the bed (maybe 150)</P>

<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Well we heard back from Kubota and they don’t seem worried about the hot bed temperature. They said that the transmission & engine are both cooled by the radiator and as long as my temperature gage doesn’t run to hot then we should be okay. They said that we are working the RTV at 100% and once I change back totires I won’t experience that kind of heat. If they aren’t worried about it, I guess I won’t <FONT color=#ff0000>worry?</FONT> Time will tell, so next winter I will put some kind of insulation in the bed so I can let my dogs ride in the back. Thanks to everyone for their Ideas & support.[:D]</P>


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the kubota beds don't come with that insulation on the bottom of the bed like the hpx's do? my hpx came with a shiney 1/2 " thick insulation and it kept the bed cool but aftre a year or two it fell of and the bed started getting hot. as for as the cooling thing why not put a secondary oil cooler in front the radiator?


Tommy, that's a good point again. I was wondering if the 1100 had an oil cooler for the hydraulics. If it does then that's a good place to check to see if it's clogged up either internally or externally. If there's a thermostatic device for the hydraulic oil as there is on some equipmentthen that would be suspect. </P>

If you really need to get creative you could probably reverse the wiring for the fan so that it blows the hot air out from under the bed. It's not common on construction equipment to reverse the air flow in the winter to keeps things warmer towards the cab. Withthe RTVsomething would have to be thought out since the air through the fan wouldn't have the benefit of a screen. </P>

There's not much air at 8200 feet (compared to sea level) so that might be a cooling factor, too. </P>


SUPER Site Supporter
i bought a rubber horse stall mat at tsc and cut it down to fit the bed of my rtv900. i hoped it would help lower the engine noise and it seemed to work. it is over 3/4 inch thick and makes a great bed mat. when i sold my 900 the guy wanted the bed mat so had to cut another one for the 1100. anyway as thick as it is i think it might help. i cut the corner notches out in the mat and it stays put when i dump a load of firewood. might be worth a try
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p></P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">[:D]</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I picked the Monster up from the parking lot yesterday afternoon. I only have one word AWESOME. Man what a huge difference in power with no heat on the bed at all.</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Well they fixed it!!! Heart Mountain Farm Supply did a great job making our RTV work the way it should. When I hit the snow in M range it didn’t even phase it. Even when I hit the hill it did not hold back. No more bog down, no more smoke, no more worries. They put a different remote air cleaner on it and adjusted the rpm up so it is still in Kubota specs and a couple of other adjustments but man does it run 10X better.</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">Thanks to everyone for your support and good ideas from this forum and thank you Greg @ <FONT color=#800080>http://www.heartmountainfarmsupply.com</FONT> for a job well done. Also they cleaned the Monster up shinny & new!!! I would recommend this dealer & RTV to anyone.</P>
<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">I now believe that the RTV is the next best thing since sliced bread!!</P>


Glad you got it fixed, sounds like it's working like it is supposed to work. You can't leave us hanging like this though, we gotta know, why was the bed getting so hot, and surely it wasn't related to the fuel mixture or engine rpm.
There was another thread here or elsewhere about an RTV that didn't have the pulling power it should and it was an adjustment on the hydro that was bypassing the fluid, did they do anything to the hydro?
<p class="MsoNormal">Sorry it has been so long getting back to you on the
subject. </p>

<p class="MsoNormal">My dealer did check the transmission relief valve and it was
okay with no adjustment needed. However I have been testing a few things while
I have been traveling in & out of town. When I adjust the rpm’s to the old
way (per sound to my ear) the unit runs very sluggish & smokes with about 6-9mph
in M range climbing the hill outside of town and the bed starts to get very hot,
When I crank the rpm’s up to the new setting (all the way) I get 11-15mph in M
range and on the flat I get 16-20mph in H range with very little smoke. I never
would get that kind of speed before on the flat, only down a steep grade. I
think since my speed is almost doubled it is pulling the heat away from the
engine compartment and the bed isn’t getting as hot. So with the cool air
coming in from the remote air cleaner & adjusting the max rpm’s up (still
within Kubota’s specs) we are getting the most out of our RTV at this altitude.
I am also burning a lot less fuel.</p>

<p class="MsoNormal">Thanks again for all your input on this forum!!!!</p>

<p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p>

<p class="MsoNormal">Steve</p>

<p class="MsoNormal"><span style=""></span></p>


New member
<P mce_keep="true">I am thinking of getting a lawyer to help me make Kubota take mine back, I live in Fairview, WY, elev. 6200', and took it to the mountains, with Mattracks, and thought I would have to leave her at 8600' until summer. Atseveralpoints I could barely make 2 or 3 mph, with black smoke pouring out the exhaust and this was on a groomed trail. The area rep told me yesterday to forget about the super charger as they can't seem to get a reliable set up. I do not think Kubota should sell these to folks at this altitude, my dealer will not even take it back on trade for a tractor because hecould not sell it in clear conscience to anyone else here because of my exprience,but you folks seem to be having better luck than I am. I am very dissapointed in Kubota, as they seem to say you bought it, live with it, and I pretty much get the same attitude with Mattracks. Speaking of the tracks, they are very hard to get grease in, any ideas? The area rep mentioned an outfit in CO that make a turbo for this machine, anyone heard of them? I have owned 3 Kubota tractors, and loved them, right now I wish I had never heard of the RTV's but there seems to be a glimmer of hope since I found this forum, thanks.</P>


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<P mce_keep="true">BobM737,</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> Welcome to the forum ~~~~ Glad you stepped in the doors !!!</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> Go to the CONTACT BUTTON , and send me a email, soI can get your email >>>>> And I will give you the name of a man who went threw EXACTLY what you are going threw now......... They found the fix, and he's happy as a frog now >>>> He was as disappointed as you are as a new owner. </P>
<P mce_keep="true"> Don't give up, there is a fix !!!!</P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=4> ~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></P>


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<P mce_keep="true">With all that smoke you are talking about, I would bet your spark arrestor is clogged up also , his did quickly also, he remove his like many other owners !!!!</P>


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<P mce_keep="true">tell you what bob being the nice guy like i am and i'm lookin for a 1100 i'll go take that one off your hand for 50.00 . and some homemade blackberry wine. how about it?? got a deal.</P>


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Ok Tommy,</P>

Keep talking like that, and I'm going to have to let him barrow my magicBeer Goggles, that way he can see you coming !!! [;)]</P>

Them goggles are like a crystal ball, they can make you see all kind of things !!! Be Careful !!!</P>

I can remember one day, about 15 months ago, I put 'em on , and I seen a RTV coming my way, next thing I new, " WOOSH " , I had a new RTV, waiting for me to take it hunting >>>>>>>> Don't under-estimate the power of these goggles !!!!</P>

<FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=4> ~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></P>



<P mce_keep="true">Bobm737 - did you see the post from ccsinclair on page 2 (3rd from bottom) where he reported that his dealer cleared up thesame issuethat you're having? He had the Mattracks, lack of power, bad smoking,excessive heat, etc.,at the same elevation where you're having problems.You ought to send him an email via the contact button to see if his dealer can help your dealer. </P>
<P mce_keep="true">As Two Guns stated, most of us have pulled our spark arresters and gained improved performance. It's worth the 5 minutes to try it. </P>


New member
I have the same issue with my 900 with Mattracks.. On tires no problem. But on tracks there is just to much surface to power properly.i am looking to put on some sort of turbo. 4 or 5 pounds of of boost should do it.

<P mce_keep="true"></P>


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Re: I have the same issue with my 900 with Mattracks.. On tires no problem. But on tracks there is just to much surface to power properly.i am looking to put on some sort of turbo. 4 or 5 pounds of of boost should do it.

ablazick ,</P>


Are you running yours in the mountains ? Location ?</P>

Is it a older 900 or a new version ? Another thing, have you looked into installing a throttle cable kit, so your pressure is always up on the transmission. Have a owner here on this foum, that has installed the throttle cable kit, and he runs the devil out of his unit with Mattracks. </P>

Reason for the question about the age of your unit, if it is a older unit, the same forum member has a older 900 and he changed the pressure valve in his unit, and it give him more pressure in his transmission >>>>>> Just a thought !!!!!</P>

I understand that the newer 900's has the same pressure valve as the 1100's. But the older unit don't >>>>>>>> That's the way that I took it >>>>>>>></P>

Have you checked or removed your spark arrestor ?</P>

<FONT size=2></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000><FONT size=4> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>