Road grading

See if some kind or arrangment/schedule/compensation/ can be reached....What do you have to lose? It doesn't sound like there is much conversation going on in the first place and it sounds like resenment is growing. Worse case scenerio is they say F off and then you are back at square one. At least you tried.

The flip side is you might get some paid work out of it or at least some appreciative neighbors that know who to be appreciative to, and you never can tell when that might pay off.

Homemade pies come to mind.
hugs, Brandi
MtnViewRanch: hello just ran across this old post if you still reading it or not.just want to run something by you if you are grading a road that is not just yours you will be libiable if someone is to wreck and cause harm due to the road mantaince.That is if you only grade it every 2 or 3 month you still responble for it. Due to UNKEPT conidtion even if you grade it every week. Once you start maintaining the road you could and can be held accountable for it. Please dont take this the wrong way I'm not knotting you. I would be happy someone did my road.but I do the same thing.I found this out years ago neigborhood road and I was held libiable for it even though not charging for it.Also I like the roadboss over the grader blade for road work never used it in the yard. Also you right get to big of a bite on too big of blade will need bigger tractor. good luck Howard
MtnViewRanch: hello just ran across this old post if you still reading it or not.just want to run something by you if you are grading a road that is not just yours you will be libiable if someone is to wreck and cause harm due to the road mantaince.That is if you only grade it every 2 or 3 month you still responble for it. Due to UNKEPT conidtion even if you grade it every week. Once you start maintaining the road you could and can be held accountable for it. Please dont take this the wrong way I'm not knotting you. I would be happy someone did my road.but I do the same thing.I found this out years ago neigborhood road and I was held libiable for it even though not charging for it.Also I like the roadboss over the grader blade for road work never used it in the yard. Also you right get to big of a bite on too big of blade will need bigger tractor. good luck Howard

Howard, thanks for your concern, the road is actually an easement for my neighbors and is on mine and my brothers property. Everybody is suppose to help maintain the road, but after I graded it the first time, nobody else has volunteered since. I enjoy grading the road anyway, so it is no big deal to keep it maintained.
I agree even after all day on a tractor when I get home and get on another tractor its feel different and good. Thats what I was doing love grading the road. Just wanted to run it by you.Thanks Howard