Really Kubota !!!

I go to put my hitch probe into my receiver on the front of my 1100 and the hitch won't take the 2" standard ball hitch. So l tried several that l had and none of them fit.So l thought maybe it was made wrong,so l called my dealer. He said he would check it out & call me back. Ten minutes later he called back and told me Kubota said they are roughly 2". We can buy the right size from Kubota for $40.00 !! What a rip off !! l love my kubota's but come on !!


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Are you talking about the length of the hitch as in the holes won't line up? I took a hack saw to my off brand and cut it . works like a charm now. I throw it back at 'em when I can but sometimes they in parts.. collie
No,it's not the length of the probe. It's the size of the reciever probe is to big to go all the way into the hitch.i was hoping to use the same ones that l use on my pickups.l was putting one in with a rotating D-ring on it,so if l go stuck l could hook on to that & pull the lil' buggy out.....but l guess not huh?


New member
Standard Reese 2" drawbar fits just fine in the front (and rear) receivers of my 2014 X900. I have a higher-offset drawbar of unknown origin that fits, but due to the gusseting on the offset it doesn't go in far enough to expose the hitch-pin holes. At some point I'll drill new holes to fix that...

If it won't fit in the receiver at all, make sure that both pieces are free of excess paint, etc. Even the factory stickers can interfere. A tiny amount of rust on any hitch receiver will make things not fit, or worse, get stuck.


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It's the size of the reciever probe is to big to go all the way into the hitch.
So the draw bar goes in partially but not all the way in? I'd get in the receiver with a flashlight first and check for burrs or something in excess. Then get in there with a file to grind out whatever the obstruction is.


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One draw ball hitch I had was too long for the Kubota rear receiver, (holes wouldn't line up) and wouldn't slide all the way in anyway. Sooooo, I cut an inch off the length and took an angle grinder to the sides. Guess what? After painting, it fits like a glove.


Gold Site Supporter
Have not had any problem with mine here. Used a drawbar that was not being used on trucks with no problem front or back.
Well, I tried the hitch probe on the rear and it slid right in and the pin hole was perfect.(Reese) .l put my other hitch probes in the front and they all stop at the same place.It seems the hitch narrows or something.There were no burrs or anything but paint in there.But holding them up underneath l can see that my pin hole is going to be to far back on alot of my probes.l will also have to driill another pin hole in the hitch itself. My dealer is going to look at it and said if it was made wrong they will replace the bumper. Thanks for all the help guys!! Have a great day!!:elephantRear:


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I found that on my new RTV-X900 the rear receiver was fine, but the one on the front didn't allow for the pin hole to line up. I had to grind the fillets on the insert, where the step-up is welded on, in order to gain the fraction of an inch I needed to get the holes to line up. I didn't complain, but now I read the other problems you all have had and understand that it is a common problem. I tried three different inserts and all of them "bottomed out" and missed hole alignment by a small amount.


Well-known member
Ive seen a few posts like this.Some draw bars have the pin hole in different locations thus not allowing it to like u right.If the draw bar is to long you can cut or grind off the little bit htat is needed to get the pin to line up.But before I did that make sure the hole isnt plugged up with dirt and gunk.Hopefully this came out right head is killing me and im not proff reaading shit today.Spent the morning in the ER and worked till morphene wore off.Then I came home to find the tractor house collapsed on my tractor so that neds to be dug out too.I cant win for loosing here any more.


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Mark - Sorry to hear of your challenges. Looks like if you didn't have bad luck you would have no luck at all! Hope your life turns around soon!


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Sorry to hear about your tractor house Mark. Hope the David Brown is ok. Just another project to add to the pile. :cuss:


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Hope this day is better for you. I know lots of forum folks pray for each other, especially in times of trouble and tribulation. May your heart not be troubled but find comfort through Him.

Keith (aka keifer)