quiet in here today ....


Staff member
GOLD Patron
Unusually quiet in here today. I'm stuck working on a problem, and have to do some errands shortly.

What are you all up to today?
Unusually quiet in here today. I'm stuck working on a problem, and have to do some errands shortly.

What are you all up to today?

Not much today. My wife picked up the new hose for the FEL yesterday, I went out this AM to put it on and discovered the JD dealer that made it had put the wrong fittings on.. :pat:.despite having the old hose in hand when he made it. And my wife is lucky to know what fittings are, let alone knowing which ones are correct. <sigh> So another 35 mile trip into town to get it done right. :mad2:
Unusually quiet in here today. I'm stuck working on a problem, and have to do some errands shortly. What are you all up to today?
Nothing particularly tractor-related I'm afraid. Being in Eastern MA, I'm at the end of my "tractor-backhoe" season and staring snowplowing season straight in the eye. The first weather forecasts that included the word "snow" started yesterday and continued into today. Suddenly, the phone is ringing again... and I need to decide if snowplowing this winter will be worthwhile with rates so low, fuel costs so high... and Al Gore's global warming thang making Eastern MA into a very risky market for snowplowing services. All the customers in the world are useless if there is no plowable snow. Last winter, we only had three billable, plowable events. Seems it might be better, easier and far more lucrative for me to simply go out and find a real 9 to 5 job for a change. Too bad I can't do both. I certainly envy those folks whose day jobs are flexible enough to accommodate such an arrangement.

Left work to go to the dentist and decided to call off the rest of the day. I had a washing machine to repair and new computer to get up and running.
I was out on the tractor - no time to play on the computer!

I was digging out the roots of blackberry vines that are choking a few of my apple trees.

When I shut down for a minute I noticed the critters watching. They had ignored the tractor racket, but after posing for some photos they wandered off.


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Good pics CA. That grass sure is green. Do you have a irigation system or auto watering or do you let mother nature take care of that?
Didn't do a whole lot today, my mom is watching the kids and my wife and I got to sleep in and then we actually went out to breakfast which never happens and then I took a nap which never happens...but when I got up I was feeling guilty about not doing anything so I cut some purlins for my house..

what was cool about this, and I will post if there is any interest is I made a table of sorts out of aluminum angle iron that I bolted on the bar of my chain saw. This allows me to cut big beams with alot more control than if I was freehanding it. I was inspired by the prazi beam cutter but didn't feel like paying for one so I made my own if you will, and it works alot faster than cutting all 4 sides with a skilsaw and then finishing it off with a handsaw or sawzall.
what was cool about this, and I will post if there is any interest is I made a table of sorts out of aluminum angle iron that I bolted on the bar of my chain saw. This allows me to cut big beams with alot more control than if I was freehanding it. I was inspired by the prazi beam cutter but didn't feel like paying for one so I made my own if you will, and it works alot faster than cutting all 4 sides with a skilsaw and then finishing it off with a handsaw or sawzall.

I would be greatly interested in seeing what you did and how you did it.
That grass sure is green.

I just got home and read this thread on my glass monitor. That green in sunlight - the deer pix - is intense, surreal!

I overexposed to bring the deer out of the shadows. The result didn't look unnatural like that on the laptop lcd. I haven't seen this camera (Panasonic TZ1) miss a color before.

Today's tractor photo: sorting tree props this afternoon. This illustrates use of the strap-on forks I made, that I described in another thread.


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