Question for Davenay?


New member
I see you have an old Oliver. I have very limited knowledge of older tractors, but when I watch tractor pulls, with real tractors, on RFD Olivers seem to dominate over Farmalls, MFs etc. Is there a basic difference or is it just luck. Thanks
I see you have an old Oliver. I have very limited knowledge of older tractors, but when I watch tractor pulls, with real tractors, on RFD Olivers seem to dominate over Farmalls, MFs etc. Is there a basic difference or is it just luck. Thanks

Honestly, I don't know. If I had to guess, I would say it has to do with the fact that there is a massive cast iron tub to support the engine, and the engine is not a stressed member like many older tractors are. This would allow for very extensive engine modification or replacement, without affecting the stiffness of the frame.

Plus they are simply built like a brick outhouse! :D
Thanks for the reply, It makes sense as torque would be lost on an engine that's less solidly mounted. The tighter the transfer of power, the more power at the drive wheels. In pulling torque is the name of the game.
Thanks for the reply, It makes sense as torque would be lost on an engine that's less solidly mounted. The tighter the transfer of power, the more power at the drive wheels. In pulling torque is the name of the game.

Yeah, but tractors get the vast majority of their torque from the huge gear reduction in the transmission. The torque present at the engine output shaft is probably surprisingly low. That is why a 35 h.p. Farmall M can pull a three bottom plow.....gearing in the transmission.
It's the GREEN paint!

Keep in mind it is a special color of green paint not to confuse with the other green paint.

I ran a brand Oliver 1655 back in the mid 70's for a summer. It was a workhorse and I always have kind of a special interest in Oliver. I wish they were still around. I know White bought them out.
