Pup Goggles

Our five year old Aussie loves rides in the RTV with Dad, mainly on township roads made of stones. Occasionally one of those stones flies up and Wifey is concerned about a stone putting the pup's eye out. I take a deep breath before I ask this......does anyone use or know where to get doggie goggles? Any tips on keeping them on?
Yep, survived. But just had gravel dumped on our main trail. Washed out a lot of it. Spent a couple hours raking gravel back to where it should be. Fun fun.
My ditches and culverts are full of leaves and silt. I checked with Jimmy. he is great and we'll have him come over soon. But at over $300 a pop, I need to find a backhoe solution. My BX2230 won't support one, can't afford to go into debt for a BX23. But I am seeing those little towable backhoes that are a lot less money. Might go that route. The township doesn't clean out the ones on our road so looks like I'll have to keep those clear also.
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I've looked at the towables. Considered them but ...leery on whether they could have enough down force to do the job digging. I've seen videos that look good but I'd like to hear from someone who has one. Be sure to share info if you do decide to buy one.

As for tractor mounted I'd rent an excavator or hire Jimmy before buying one of those. They are not as capable as the excavators and a pain to swap the tractor 3PH BH for other implements.
Towables are toys…not tools. Rent a real BH if you only need it once a year, etc.

Have you looked at excavators?
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