Problem with JD 3140, 2WD


New member
The engine on my 3149 started surging recently, not particularly while under load but just at any old time. Now tractor starts with a blow of white smoke and then stops. Sorry if this is not the forum for such a Q, pls advise if so, thanks for reading
First thing I'd check would be the fuel filter. Have you replaced it recently?
Thanks Doc, yes I put in a new fuel filter, I also looked at the transfer pump. Its strainer was broken and clogged up a bit, so I had to discard the strainer, I did wonder whether air might be getting into the line at the pump.
I sure don't know but it sounded like a fuel supply issue. Air might be getting in there. Your tractor doesn't have vacum lines does it?
I'm at a loss. Hopefully someone else will jump in.
Surging or eratic operation is often air...right? And from experience, i've had agitated fuel (mixed with air) create white smoke on startup. The culprit finally turned out to be a pinched 'O' ring at the fuel bowl. I tallowes just enough air to create surging - and proved to be a bugger to find.

Just my guess though :)
Here are some diagnostic aids for JD Diesels

Engine Emits Blue or White Smoke
1.Cranking speed to low
2.Injection pump timing incorrect
3.Injection pump automatic advance is faulty or not operating
4.Injection nozzles faulty or sticking
5.Excessive wear in liners and/or stuck piston

Engine Starts and Stops<<<<<<<<<
1.Air leak on the suction side of the system
2.Filter clogged
3.Fuel lines clogged or restricted
4.Water in fuel
5.Injection pump return fuel line or fittings restricted

Engine Starts Hard or Won't Start
1.Air leak on the suction side of the system
2.Fuel too heavy at low temperature
3.Diesel injection nozzles faulty or sticking
4.Incorrect timing
5.Diesel automatic advance is faulty or not operating
6.Water in fuel
7.Filter clogged
8.Injection pump return fuel line or fittings restricted
9.Low cetane fuel
10.Injection pump 180 degrees out of time

Engine Does Not Develop Full Power
1.Air cleaner restricted
2.Low cetane fuel
3.Incorrect timing
4.Diesel automatic advance is faulty or not operating
5.Filter clogged
6.Air leak on the suction side of the system
7.Injection nozzles return lines clogged
8.Injection nozzles faulty or sticking
9.Injection pump return fuel line or fittings restricted
10.Injection pump housing not full of fuel
11.One or more connector screws obstructed
12.Water in fuel
13.Injection pump 180 degrees out of time
Thanks everyone for your help, I'm pursuing the "air in the lines" option, I can definately see air bubbles in the fuel filter when I manually pump the fuel pump. Am getting a new pump and will see how that goes..took the old one off and disassembled - diaphragm fairly worn on one side, will let the forum know how I go, thanks again one and all
JD running once again! It was air in lines, fitted new fuel pump ($70 AUS), bled fuel filter and injector pump, started up no problem. Thanks again everyone for your help on this one!
Congratulations Muzza...You gotta love happy endings!

Sure would like to see a picture or two of your Deere. Maybe some pic's of the ol' homestead too??

Don't be a stranger as we look forward to future posts.

JD running once again! It was air in lines, fitted new fuel pump ($70 AUS), bled fuel filter and injector pump, started up no problem. Thanks again everyone for your help on this one!
Good job Muzzza.........glad it's running again. (PICTURES) :hide: