Prayers for Rosetta, PLEASE!!

good to hear she's improving Larry - give Cory a hug for me and let her know you're all still in my prayers.
Thanks, fellows!
Still not much to report. Still improving, but slow, with some days better than others. Yesterday Rosetta was communicating to some extent. They have put a tracheotomy in so the tubes don't keep irritating her throat, so she can't talk.) Respirator is @ about 40% now. This morning she had a high fever, but they think its neurological and not an infection. They got it under control pretty quick, but she was moving too much because of the discomfort, so they sedated her some to keep her from wasting her energy.

Please keep the prayers coming, we still have a real long way to go.
Rosetta has woke up, and is responding appropriately, everything looks good. She still has the breathing machine going, and will have to go to rehab to be weaned completely off it, and to get the strength back to sit up, walk, etc. Still a ways to go, but this was a major step in the right direction.

I want to THANK EVERYONE for their prayers and thoughts!
THANKS, FELLOWS! Rosetta is in the rehab hospital now, and off the respirator all day. They still use it at night, but are hoping about tomorrow night to try her off it thru the night. Still making good progress.
THANKS AGAIN, everyone!
PB, it is getting better.
Rosetta is walking, but has to use a walker. Lying flat on her back for a little over 4 weeks made her real weak. But I think she is improving faster than the doctors thought she would.
Walking, talking, starting to eat more solid foods, just doing better.
Ya'll have no idea how much the prayers & thoughts have helped, and meant to us.
Larry - you are all still in my thoughts and prayers.
best of luck on Rose continuing to improve faster than the doctors think she will!