Prayers for my Aunt Jewel


On Thanksgiving day my Aunt Jewel had a stroke. Up until a couple of days ago she was in I.C.U.. Now she is in a room to herself. Any and all prayers would be much appreciated. And as I learn anything I will keep you updated. Thank you and God bless you.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jewel and your family. Keep us up to date.
Oh my Lord. I hate to hear that. From personal experience, it can be a trying time.

Your aunt will be in my thoughts and prayers.
You got it elkhound. Good thought and prayers on the way for Aunt Jewel.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

My Mom had 14 siblings and my Dad 6. I lost my Dad this past February. He was 89. I've lost quite a few treasured Aunts and Uncles just in the last three or four years.

In all our relationships, family can't be substituted for. You have more in common with them and closer bonds than anyone else except your spouse.

Hang tough and be positive.
First I want to thank all of you for your prayers. This isn't the update I wanted to give. A couple of days ago Aunt Jewel was to begin rehab, but they discovered her kidneys we're shutting down. Yesterday she had surgery to install stints so they could begin dialysis.

Please keep her in your prayers and God bless.
Thanks for all the prayers for Aunt Jewel. Last week she was moved to another hospital, and yesterday I received some good news. For the first time since she went into the hospital the breathing tube was removed. And she called her daughter on the phone and spoke for a while.

I would also like to ask for prayers for my Mom's Aunt Shelby who is having a new pace maker put in today. And for my Uncle Wayne who will have surgery Friday to remove a lump from his throat. Thank you for your prayers and God bless you.

My Jesus and his healing power work right now from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. We call it done.

In Jesus name.

Keeping you covered.

Elkhound, you're not having to go look for troubles lately, are you? It seems that a lot of people are in my prayers at the moment.
Elkhound, you're not having to go look for troubles lately, are you? It seems that a lot of people are in my prayers at the moment.

No, lately trouble has been coming our way. With that said we have the Good Lord to hold on to. And He has blessed us much beyond what we deserve.

Mom's Aunt Shelby came through her pace maker surgery doing pretty well. She is sore, and the medicine they've prescribed her keeps her pretty sleepy. Mom and i went and seen her yesterday and her color is much better.

Uncle Wayne came through his surgery today with flying colors. They had planned on keeping him overnight but released him this afternoon. His doctor said he did not see any sign of cancer but just to be on the safe side they were sending it off to be tested. Will be praying that the tests backs up the doctors observation.

I haven't heard any updates regarding Aunt Jewel in the last couple of days. But as i hear anything i'll pass it on. Thank you so much for your prayers and God bless all of you.
Thank you for your prayers. Aunt Jewel is doing considerably better. She is back home, and still going through dialysis. But her doctors are optimistic that they can successfully deal with the underlying conditions and at that time she will not need dialysis.

Uncle Wayne is getting better every day, And further tests showed no cancer. Hopefully by spring he'll have his strength back and be ready to garden and grow his cane patches to make molasses in the fall.

God does carry us in difficult and trying times. May He bless all of you.