pop up ad at botton of page

As Artie Johnson used to say "Very Interesting".....I do not see any of what you others are describing...Must get stripped out at the border.
Good. Thanks for sharing that info. I've tried both internet explorer and firefox and get the ad with both. I know collie was getting it with chrome till she added the ad blocker.
This could be a bug on our computers rather than on the site. I've tried malware bytes and McAfee virus checker on my laptop to no avail.
If anyone gets rid of it in a way other than ad blocker please feel free to share.
I wanted to take a moment to thank the 4 members who took the time today to show their support by donating. Thank You all. I do not take this lightly. I know how tough things can be and that makes me appreciate those who support this forum even more.

I know everyone cannot give and I believe we all can understand that. Those who can do, and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. It makes me feel good, and happy that I can provide this forum for the enjoyment and help of all. Like Dennis said this place feels more like family. Everyone helping with advice or donations as they can. Thank you all for being part of Net Tractor Talk. :tiphat: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Am truly wondering how much this outfit has saved folks in money and parts just in the last year????? Tired of the get-something-for-nothin folks taking and not giving back......Guess I am to hard core sometimes but it's a shame how folks carry the load for others. On here, expecting Doc to jump through hoops and get rid of or fix not just this problem but even this FORUM being here, deserves more than just a pat on the back. Operating capital does LOTS for making a place run.......God bless YA Doc and the other folks that are out there behind this........Dennis
Yeah, it's odd how random this is. I've never saw it either.

I'm on Windows 10, Internet Explorer, no adblock at all.
I am so "stupid" about computers..... I don't get how this all works. Obviously it's some minor setting difference between computers.

When I first started using this site any time I changed pages I would get that stupid chemical ad. Can't remember the name.....

When I changed from Windows 7 to Windows 10 that stopped.