Please-Beware of shady dealers


Yesterday someone asked me if I would recommend this dealer…we’ll cal him XYZ. I spent over an hour while visiting their web site and pulled, posted and added underlying notations. I was thinking that I should use this as a warning for our members here, that may be entertaining the idea of a good, used quality gray market tractor…specifically Yanmar. I’ve discovered many deceptive adds from XYZ like:

“……We offer new and used Yanmar, Hinomoto, Mitsubishi and Shibaura tractors and farming equipment….”
(Not True! Absolutely none of the above manufacturers offer New, reconditioned, rebuilt or do they license anyone to do this, or any process.)

“… learn about the process the tractors go through and to determine what you need. We have over 250 tractors at our warehouse in Atlanta and additional tractors in others areas….”
(Typically this reference is to a main depot in central TX that imports reconditioned tractors, built from salvage, painted, then containerized and sent there from Vietnam)

"Our tractors have been completely reconditioned. Most have new tires and all look and run like new with a good warranty."
(Again, not true. In fact Yanmar specifically has won legal action against the use of their logo, sales and support to gray market tractors by any Authorized Yanmar Dealer….And what is a “Good Warranty”, what does that mean? What it usually means is they will send a used part to replace the one that fails….for the first 30-90 days, depending on the Yard you purchase from.)

All of the below are cut and pasted from their current inventory and every single tractor has the production year, on average, at least a decade younger than their actual manufactured date. Why would they falsely report inaccurate years when they are commonly listed with other honest dealers??

1990 YANMAR 1810 2WD ------------(actual manufactured dates are ’80-’81)
1992 YANMAR YM 2020 --------------(actual manufactured dates are ’82-’83)
1995 YANMAR 1700 - $3,400---------(actual manufactured dates are ’77-’79)
1989 YANMAR YM 3110 - $9,250-----(actual manufactured dates are ‘79-‘81)
1990 YANMAR 1610 - $6,700----------(actual manufactured dates are ’79-’81)
1990 YANMAR YM 2210 B - $7,550---(actual manufactured dates are ‘80-’81)
1985 YANMAR 3000 - $5,850----------(actual manufactured dates are ’79-81)
1980 YANMAR 1500 - $3,100----------(actual manufactured dates are ‘75-’79)

I guess you see where this is going....just have to be careful out there.


This is why I steer every gray market question to you! Thanks. :)
Good post Mark.
What are the implications of buying a 'gray market' tractor?
How do you know if there is support for any gray? ...or do you only buy gray if you plan to do all the maintenance yourself?
Good post Mark.
What are the implications of buying a 'gray market' tractor?
How do you know if there is support for any gray? ...or do you only buy gray if you plan to do all the maintenance yourself?
I know this was directed at Mark and he can probably answer better than I can, but the first thing on my list to check is the dealer. Get several references from him of people he has dealt with. Call his old clients, are they still happy with the dealer?
What Ohio said.

There is very little, if any difference between buying a used American tractor or a gray market tractor. Only a few model Yanmars were produced as one year only and in limited quantities. A model like the YM2200, (produced for one year only) which was as good as any other tractor, is very difficult to acquire parts for. Long manufactured runs and runs that overlapped with only a few basic or cosmetic changes for 3-5 years, like the YM1700, YM2000, YM1610 and YM2210 I can get parts in two days…or over-nighted if urgently needed.

As Ohio hit upon…it’s the dealer, not the tractor, that makes for a great purchase of a well supported product and that same dealer can offer services, parts support and technical help when you run into a snag or serious damage while operating you Yanmar. Fortunately severe or catastrophic mechanical failures seldom happen when you purchase from a well established dealer…..but IF it does, you’re covered!
I know this was directed at Mark and he can probably answer better than I can, but the first thing on my list to check is the dealer. Get several references from him of people he has dealt with. Call his old clients, are they still happy with the dealer?

I can't speak for other makes, but from what I have read on other forums and based on my own experience, support for most gray market Yanmar models is not a problem. It is better than some made in or for US models. It behooves the potential buyer to research carefully.

As far as service goes, any mechanic can work on a Yanmar. I would imagine that the typical gray market tractor buyer has some mechanical know-how in is inclined to do much, if not all, the work on his tractor, anyway.
Well put ghautz,

All of the better dealers I know will only purchase and import the most popular models, in various HP sizes, that are the easiest to stock parts for.
After market parts for the "most common" Yanmars are getting better everyday. I've even had one Yanmar dealer tell me that JD dealers are sending parts customers his way on some of the Yanmar produced JDs. JD can no longer supply some parts, but after market Yanmar parts work.
Just a quick comment:: I have been researching for almost 3 weeks for a good reputable yanmar dealer, I have called, talked to, questioned, and inquired on or about dozens of dealers, my opinion is RCO TRACTOR in Austin, Tx. will give you the best product, stand behind what they sell, be honest, and service you after the sale. I just bought my first tractor from them and will buy more from them.
Welcome to NTT 3da.

Up until recently you would have had a strong argument from many of the owners, dealers and perspective Yanmar buyers. My understanding is now RCO (Steve and Rick?) stopped importing the tractors from Vietnam and bring in quality tractors from Japan used.

They, like others, bought into the promises of remanufactured tractors, appealing paint jobs and the justification of hour meters replaced or reset back to zero. All this with certain assurances that these tractors had been ’gone through’ mechanically and offered at, or below dealer wholesale…mighty tempting with lots of negotiating room and profit to make the Trailer, Implement, Tractor packages. It was the long list of mechanical failures, warranty issues and owner’s downtime that (IMHO) probably was the final straw for RCO.

On a much more positive note I applaud RCO for having the guts to publicly announce the switch to good, used tractors, offer the standard safety features for some that are delivered without them - but mostly, they took care of their business. And I’ve never heard anything contrary to them not being nice guys who tried to help their customers. They are the third dealer that I know of who have dropped the reconditioned tractor line.

Look forward to future posts and pictures of your new tractor if you have them.

This week I bought two tractors that are recons. The reason I bought them was because the seller included Koyker loaders with the tractors. I can not see why anybody in there right mind would by a recon tractor. It is very obvious that both these tractors are pieced together from a few different models, just too make one running tractor. I will put these two tractor off to the side until I have the time to make them right.
I think many people look for a web site and assume, well if this dealer has a website they must be ok.
If any one is interested I have a 2007 Plymouth Duster for sale.
Do some simple research before you buy a tractor, it will pay off.