Pictures of tractors


Staff member
GOLD Patron
Do you have any pictures of your tractors? Any pictures, still or action shots appreciated. Show off your baby. :D
Oliver 1850

These pics are of the Oliver 1850 gas tractor I bought in the spring of 2006 for making hay on our 15 acres.


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John Deere 855

And this is my John Deere 855 that I use for chores and lawn care. I also have a Buhler Farm King 60" snow blower and 84" rear blade for the winter.


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Nice Pics Dave!

Rep points for being the 1st to post. :D Nice job.

This software will automatically resize your picutures for you. Older versions of forum software did not do that. Sure makes things easier.

Forum Admin
Whoops .... no rep points yet. Guess I have to turn on the rep point system.
Nice Pics Dave!

Rep points for being the 1st to post. :D Nice job.

This software will automatically resize your picutures for you. Older versions of forum software did not do that. Sure makes things easier.

Forum Admin

I was going to make a joke about Dave and resizing but I wasn't sure if that was acceptable here. Is it?
Hey, I bet I started my post first, I just had a bunch of typing to do in my post in the NH section. I'll post some pics later, I don't have any on my laptop.:)
Here's a couple of pictures of my latest purchase: a 1952 Farmall H.



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First picture is a picture of a big John Deere that they use to plow the field beside our house. Second picture is of my little New Holland on break after moving a bunch of fill to pour the garage floor.


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I was going to make a joke about Dave and resizing but I wasn't sure if that was acceptable here. Is it?

Sorry Bone,
Just now noticed your question. As you can tell by the smilies we are not taking ourselves to seriously. IOW yeah, you can joke around like that with Dave. Keep in mind we do allow 13 and older on this forum. But heck, the teenagers could probably teach us all a few words if ya know what I mean. :D
I forgot to add a pic of my tractor.

Here she is:


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Do you have any pictures of your tractors? Any pictures, still or action shots appreciated. Show off your baby. :D

All righty then...


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My new L39TLB is still clean and sitting at the dealership. I stopped by while in town today and took some pics. With all of our heavy spring snow, the delivery will not happen for a couple more weeks. I can hardly wait to start tearing out stumps, burying electric and water lines and getting the other little jobs I have been putting off started and finished....:D But the late winter just does not want to go away. :pat:
L39TLB Rear Side.jpg L39TLB Front.jpg L39TLB RH Front.JPG
Good pics. I'm sure you can't wait to get some seat time. :thumb:

I see Kubota now has the sloped hood and loader arms much like New Holland has had for a few years. While I like the other 'look' better the functionality of the sloped hood and arms give extra visibility which makes your work go even faster. I woudl like them in particular for when I'm hooking a trailer to the screw on hitch that I use on my FEL. Even standing up I have a hard time lining it up with my old style hood and FEL arms.

Here's the B 7800 .. I also have a JD LX288 (18hp Gas Kawasaki VTwin) with a 4ft deck for finish mowing.

Now if I can only find my 1935 Packard Club Sedan ....


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