picture of my new 1100


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Good picture !!! Beautiful machine ~~~ Kubota RTV, always makes you a the better man ....</P>

Be sure not to leave it out there for the cattle to " brush " along the side and scratch it up.Or use it for some sort of scratching board ****</P>

What are we cookin' in the back-ground >>>></P>
Nice looking RTV. Very nice picture. Are the cattle in the background yours? Looks like you are using a wood stove to heat the shed. Where are you located at?


New member
Hey guys the cows are mine thats a outdoor wood stove heats the house and the garage I live in northeast pa .


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Gold Site Supporter
Nice RTV & Pic!!!

If that pic is pretty recent, your snow is melting slower than ours.


Gold Site Supporter
Gold Site Supporter
Welcome Bobcat, That is a beautiful picture and could be an ad for Kubota. Lot of us folks in the south use to have smokehouses that look like your heater. This old plantation house {166 yrs old) hada smokehousethat looks like that from a distance. We floored it, finished the inside and keep our well and pool stuff in it now.The old memories startflowing when we see a box with a flue and smoke flowing..Pork and sausage-- the smells of my Aunt'ssmokehouse in Ark. and outdoor pig roasts in La. when I moved there.I would have to throw on a slab of ribs etc..when the fire died down if I had one of those HaHa.[&][&] Bordercollie